前日買左個wd1.5t hdd + magic pro 裸族, 諗住比個media player 用點知尋日駁好晒d野之後, 個media player detect 唔到 個hdd
試下駁去電腦同 高清機頂盒, 一樣detect 唔到{:6_150:}
個裸族 spec 話支援 up to 1T hdd, 不過間shop 既人話1.5T 都得, 所以買左...
究竟係裸族有事, 定係HDD 有事, 定係根本唔SUPPORT 1.5T 呢??
當我駁好野開機時, 裸族個燈會由籃色 (STANDBY MODE) 閃左幾下紅色 (我估係 LOADING MODE)
亦聽到個HDD 有聲, 不過好快紅燈冇左, 個HDD 亦冇聲, 部機都係DETECT 唔到
試左好多次都係咁.... CHING 們可唔可以幫幫手??{:6_162:} go to store test again~~ 3# kleehkg
Try to connect to computer first, at cmos mode check if it can recognize or not. <---- 我以為裸族 via usb 入 係唔使入cmos detect... btw, 部電腦認到個裸族, 不過認唔到 hdd
Besides, please check first if any jumper need to set on your HD. <---- hdd 有jumper 可set, (spread spectrum clocking), (Power Up in Standby), (1.5GB PHY), 要set 邊個, 定係三個都唔使 set呀??
Second, please confirm your HD's partition was set or not, or perform format yet. <------- 一開就插落去, 冇format 過, detect 唔到, 可以點樣format??
You need to update your computer CMOS first. What is the brand and model no.of your mainboard ? Please adv the brand of HDD and model no. too.
BTW, your magic pro 裸 have 變壓器 mar ? Maybe it's...
kleehkg 發表於 2009-11-19 14:14 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
ching, 我部 notebook 係 hp pavilion 系列, 買左兩年左右, 唔記得 model no., 請問點樣update cmos??{:6_147:}
hdd model 係 wd 15eads, 其實我係咪應該set jumper 轉返去 SATAI呢?? 不過media player 都應該認到 sataII架??
docking 係 呢個
http://www.magic-pro.com/product/other/MP-DS168-HCR.htm 已解決, 原來只係我唔識得format 個hdd.. 多謝各位ching{:6_162:}