Anthem ARC-2 Software v1.3.4351 release
本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2016-9-14 17:44 編輯Anthem ARC-2 測量及設定軟件發出新version v1.3.4351
有Anthem用家喺AVS Forum指用新software行完auto set up比之前嘅version好,有興趣嘅朋友可以試下:-
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Anthem Room Correction 2 installer
Be sure to extract Anthem Room Correction 2.exe from the downloaded .zip file before running it.Extracting to Desktop is recommended.Once setup is complete, the setup program can be deleted.
1.Improved auto detected high pass frequency selection.
2.Improved connection reliability.
3.(MRX x20) Fixed - Can't rename speaker profiles other than profile 2.
4.(MRX x10 / x20) When uploading a profile name, leading/trailing spaces are removed before upload.
5.Added support for Paradigm and MartinLogan .cal files.
6.Added high DPI support for printing.
7.Minor optimizer improvements.
8.Other minor changes and UI improvements.
1.When the computer had more than one network interface active, ARC could not find AVM/MRX - fixed.
2.Improved support for Dolby enabled upfiring speakers in AVM 60, MRX 1120, MRX 720.Note: This applies to new measurements only.Re-measurement is recommended if Dolby enabled speakers are in use.
3.Improved crossover frequency auto-detection with unusual measurements.To take effect with existing files, re-autodetect is required - in Targets click Autodetect, OK then Calculate, Upload.
4.Improved optimizer performance.
5.Fixed issue where upload failed due to invalid crossover frequency. Note: Re-autodetect and calculation are required.
6.Fixed Quick Measure issue where response below 30 Hz was not always shown correctly.
1.When ARC is run it'll check for updates, preventing the need for the user to periodically visit our software web page.
2.In Curve Viewer, the equalization curve can be viewed with the other curves.
3.If discovered devices do not respond within 30 seconds, they are removed from the list.
1.General improvements to optimizer and target auto detection.
2.General connectivity improvements.
3.Other minor bugs/improvements.
4.A log file is now created in the temp directory and gets deleted when ARC-2 exits normally.To see the file location, go to Tools / Show Log File.To open the file, click on arclog.txt.To save the file, click on File / Save As... and save it to a known location such as Desktop or My Documents.If there's any connection issue while measuring or uploading, send this file to tech support.
1.Improved reliability of connection to MRX x10.
2.Auto-detect did not always reset all targets - fixed.
3.When trying to measure or upload a file while MRX is off, it will power on if Standby IP Control is enabled.
4.With certain 2-channel PCM audio tracks and ARC curves it was possible for sound to be distorted. *** With this ARC version, playback volume is reduced by 3 dB when ARC is on compared to when ARC is off, if using MRX software older than v1.2.9 ***
1.Improved equalization range targets, subwoofer hi-pass filter, and room gain detection.
2.Quick Measure did not always display frequency response properly especially below 20 Hz - fixed.
3.Fixed issue where attempt to open .arc2 file could result in "failed to deserialize" error in regions where comma is used instead of decimal point.
4.Other minor fixes.
Re-measurement is unnecessary if you used the previous version of ARC-2 but the new target auto-detection can be beneficial.To take advantage of this, install the latest version of ARC-2, open your existing measurements, click on Targets, Autodetect, OK, Calculate, and Upload.
1.Production release.
technical support:
佢地完全唔理舊兩代既用家{:6_203:} johnnykut 發表於 2016-9-14 17:04 static/image/common/back.gif