問:bdp LX 88 睇dvd 畫面唔順~唔知咩問題
各位打巴, 我用LX 88 睇dvd 時, 畫面會有唔順既感覺,睇高速movement 更加明顯,好似打機會窒咁想請教巴打, 到底係要其他setting, 定係要換一條好d 既hdmi線~細佬而家用緊果條都係200蚊,1.5m~我而家用hdmi 線都係用黎出畫,唔出聲(聲我用rca 線), 順道想問有冇其他hdmi線可以推薦~thx 睇緊乜嘢DVD先{:6_176:} SonSon 發表於 2016-9-13 10:31 static/image/common/back.gif
{:1_338:} 當然係睇....{:1_343:} 戰逆豪情喇{:1_346:} 1. If you're playing NTSC DVD, try both 60Hz output or 24Hz output (if available).
2. For PAL DVD, use 50Hz output.
3. In TV, try different settings of motion interpolation and see what you like. c hing,咩係NTSC DVD 同埋PAL dvd呀? 唔好開dvd24p,plan鏡會好窒
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 大衛丁丁 發表於 2016-9-13 12:14 static/image/common/back.gif
c hing,咩係NTSC DVD 同埋PAL dvd呀?
Region 1 DVD is NTSC.
Region 2 DVD is PAL.
Most of the Region 3 or Hong Kong DVD is NTSC.
wklie 發表於 2016-9-13 12:48 static/image/common/back.gif
Region 1 DVD is NTSC.
Region 2 DVD is PAL.
Most of the Region 3 or Hong Kong DVD is NTSC.
Upscale 之後已經冇分 Pal 同 NTSC, 樓主個 case 九成係 24P 既問題。 本帖最後由 大衛丁丁 於 2016-9-13 20:11 編輯
係呀, 我今日去setting 都攪唔到50hz 同60 hz
我想問你地所講既24hz, 係唔係我選左24p 既關係呀 thx
同埋想問換條hdmi 線會唔會冇左呢個問題, 細佬諗住換條audio quest chocolate 行畫 試下source direct