edgarcpu 發表於 2017-6-16 17:43

heheyuth8700 發表於 2017-6-16 17:35


if you can come, that is very good. of course I am not the one that have sp1k la. but I think someone will. so if you want to try it, that is high chance that you will able to try on.

edgarcpu 發表於 2017-6-16 17:44

heheyuth8700 發表於 2017-6-16 17:33
好.....時間, 地點唔該.....唔敢應承你哋住....不過嚟到一定嚟


Monday night at MK usually around 7-8pm, will decide the final place later

vicentk 發表於 2017-6-16 19:16

heheyuth8700 發表於 2017-6-16 17:35

出到來,380 CU,1000SS 有得玩 {:6_222:}

edgarcpu 發表於 2017-6-16 19:26

heheyuth8700 發表於 2017-6-16 17:33
好.....時間, 地點唔該.....唔敢應承你哋住....不過嚟到一定嚟


you can pm vincent gor phone number, so that he can confirm you time and place

vicentk 發表於 2017-6-17 00:21

edgarcpu 發表於 2017-6-16 19:26

you can pm vincent gor phone number, so that he can confirm you time and place

佢好似唔識用 PM {:6_174:}

heheyuth8700 發表於 2017-6-19 17:55

sorry.....OT tonight......{:6_156:}

heheyuth8700 發表於 2017-6-19 17:56

vicentk 發表於 2017-6-17 00:21
佢好似唔識用 PM


edgarcpu 發表於 2017-6-19 22:53

heheyuth8700 發表於 2017-6-19 17:55
sorry.....OT tonight......


that's ok, that always next time.

edgarcpu 發表於 2017-6-19 22:58

heheyuth8700 發表於 2017-6-19 17:56


you are not the oldest wor, for pm, there is an "envelope" icon under personal 頭像, click that you can send pm to that person.

heheyuth8700 發表於 2017-6-24 19:19

edgarcpu 發表於 2017-6-19 22:58

you are not the oldest wor, for pm, there is an "envelope" icon under personal 頭像, clic ...

thank you so much, ching{:6_127:}
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