dio 發表於 2016-9-2 00:06

terencelaw 發表於 2016-9-3 00:43

hkcheong 發表於 2016-9-1 18:19 static/image/common/back.gif
Just bought U10 from Massdrop ^^ great price indeed

S1 定 B1?

chho 發表於 2016-9-3 09:22

U10 B1 Sold out.Only U10 S1 still available this moment.

gl2k1 發表於 2016-9-3 21:40

dio 發表於 2016-9-2 00:06
有冇人用過u8比d意見? Thanks

如主聽流行曲, u8 應會啱聽d

vicentk 發表於 2016-9-3 21:49

chho 發表於 2016-9-3 09:22 static/image/common/back.gif
U10 B1 Sold out.Only U10 S1 still available this moment.

B1 是否比 S1 好聲?

terencelaw 發表於 2016-9-3 23:16

vicentk 發表於 2016-9-3 21:49 static/image/common/back.gif
B1 是否比 S1 好聲?

Massdrop 有高人話 u12 +B1; U10+S1

S1 -18db
B1 -10db

U10 有2個低音單原, 配 S1 可補不足...

U12 有4個低音單原。+B1 可增空間感




2 days
U12, U10, u6, u3, U2 just for ranking purposes. Each one of them brings something unique that might be the preference for some.
U8 and u4 tend towards emphasis on bass. But still doesn't dominate miss and highs. That's the beauty of these iems.
Also the s1 module provides more isolation and brings out the bass, especially on u12. U12 plays well with B1, and mam module.
The ear tips and fit also plays a factor in bass especially with u12. Try different ear tips.
Also per the head fi post of a 64audio representative yesterday, the u series were tuned for live stage performances and hence work well with high impedance sources for a natural frequency response curve.
Many of us are using it with low impedance dac and dap.
U10 isn't bass light. Both U10 and u12 provide good punch and slam when it's there in the song and stays out of the way at other times. U12 extends well in lower frequencies obviously as Compared to U10.
U12 with lower impedance sources don't shine with s1 module. With B1 or mam, it shines beautifully.
Both U10 and u12 do well across all genres. U6 and u3 come up next but lose out on details that's there in u12 and U10.
I've bought u12 and the kickstarter version of the 2 driver model. It's similar to U2 in sound signature but the cable is not removable. The U2 version has good bass, punch and the midst are good too. Highs are okay. For its configuration, it does well what it's supposed to do. But don't expect it to behave like u6, U10 or u12.
And Adel module is really good. I've found it very useful and beneficial.

chho 發表於 2016-9-3 23:47

可參考以下head-fi link.在討論中, 是比較多人喜歡U10 +B1(可能多人喜歡B1多啲空間感). 但B1版是比S1版少啲bass, 而U10只有兩個低音單原, 個人覺得U10 +S1 好似平衡啲.

vicentk 發表於 2016-9-3 23:54

terencelaw 發表於 2016-9-3 23:16 static/image/common/back.gif
Massdrop 有高人話 u12 +B1; U10+S1

S1 -18db

Thanks your information

leedsu 發表於 2016-9-4 09:27

where can I get S1?

terencelaw 發表於 2016-9-4 10:47

leedsu 發表於 2016-9-4 09:27 static/image/common/back.gif
where can I get S1?

you can choose the S1 or B1 version in the list when you check out.
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