發覺HANS ZIMMER有少少走火入魔
發覺HANS ZIMMER有少少走火入魔之前 The Dark KnightOST成張都係隆隆隆, 的低音多到爆
新個張 BATMAN 吾妥 超人, 又係成張由頭隆到尾, 係得神奇女俠個TRACK正常的....
有無人有同感== 近幾年嘅OST的確無以前咁精彩的! 有少少同感, to put it crudely.Although Zimmer guy is not my fav composer, i have a stack of his CDs.
I enjoy his work in Batman Begins and Dark Knight, both good stuff, but the Dark Knight Rises is not my cup of tea..too much chanting.
His earlier works sound very different, favs are Crimson Tide, Beyond Rangoon.
Inception has some very good music, but overall uneven.Same thing with Man of Steel.He used a new approach with Interstellar, containing some really good music.
santori 發表於 2016-9-1 11:49 static/image/common/back.gif
有少少同感, to put it crudely.Although Zimmer guy is not my fav composer, i have a stack of his CD ...
It's been light years since his early works like Paper House and Tin Drum, when he was just a newbie from Germany. Now in the rank of John Williams and the like, he canenjoy much more choices in his musical palette and this shows in his recent works, which are becoming overly orchestral. Actually his earlier works (the overly electronic ones ) are'nt my cup of tea, I think what bothers some film buffs is the booming bass of his last few works,which is reflecting the dark tone of the movies. In fact these recordings are really dynamic, if you can reproduce them faithfullly, they can be some really good listening experience.{:1_254:}