Associated 發表於 2016-8-28 19:57

New Yamaha RX-A2060 owner - sharing my experience

First of all,sorry for long email in English. I can't write Chinese (but I can read)

I am a new owner of a Yamaha RX-A2060 and I want to share with you my experience from the last few days. I have read this post and I haven't seen anyone writing about the problem that I have found. It is very frustrating for me at the moment. Perhaps it is a new receiver and it will take a firmware to fix. But if anyone has any suggestions that will be great.

My modest 7.1 Home theatre is primarily for watching movies. My current set up is Himedia 910B box (media player), plays video and music files over a wired LAN network from Synology 415play (4 x 5TB) NAS, into the receiver and HDMI output to Panasonic Plasma TV. I have been very happy with this set up that is primarily used to movies in MKV files with added srt subtitle files if there are no embedded subtitles on the movie mkv file.
My 7-year-old Onkyo 3007 died 2 weeks ago from a faulty HDMI circuit. No complaints there and I think I have been more than lucky judging from the threads that I have seen about Onkyo receivers around 2009 period. However, Onkyo quoted me US$700 for a replacement so I decided it was time to go shopping for a new receiver.
I decided on the new RX-A2060 based on the favourable reviews on the net and also from my own experience from owning a Yamaha DSP A1 prior to the Onkyo 3007. That Yamaha DSP A1 was 10 years and it still worked when I sold it. I only replaced it because it didn't have HDMI outputs.
I bought new audio quest version 2.0 HDMI cables and hooked up my speaker cables.

Set up with YPAO sound auto setting was simple. But the other manual settings were a little confusing and not very intuitive. And unlike the DSP A1 and the Onkyo 3007, Yamaha did not supply a printed manual - only a crummy CD. For simple electronics like a TV that isn't too bad but when you have a complex piece of equipment I wish that there was a printed manual booklet.
Speed of streaming: Files take much longer to play on through the Yamaha. Maybe 3-4x longer than the Onkyo which was much faster. We are talking about 10-20+ seconds to stream a ripped mkv bluray movie via Yamaha vs maybe 3-5 seconds via Onkyo
Sound:Put it this way, even the wife said aloud that she could hear the difference in sound quality from this new Yamaha 2060. Sound stage is incredible. You feel that it envelops you a soft blanket. Very subtle. Speech is crisp
visual: Wouldn't say that was a vast difference between my Onkyo and the new Yamaha. Or at least that I could tell.
(Also side note. The Onkyo got very, very hot. This Yamaha was only warm on the top even after a couple of hours)
Overall I was very impressed and delighted with purchase until....

After the initial euphoria with watching the first 1-2 MKV movies from my NAS, I found that the following bugs:

1) The majority of my MKV ripped blue ray movies stored on my Synology NAS will not play. A few do but I haven't been able to work out why. It doesn't seem to do with the size either.
2) Yamaha will not output subtitles embedded in the bluray movies in MKV files (even though there may be multiple subtitles). However, I found that if you add srt file then it will show up. A minor nuisance as I will need to manually download srt files for each movie from now on.
3) Yamaha will only output one audio track on bluray movies in MKV files (even though there may be 2 tracks)
4) Sometimes when you turn on the receiver, volume is stuck on a low and it does not go up even if you turn the dial all the way to max. Problem disappears when you turn off the machine and turn it back again.

No. (1) is the major problem for me as I don't know what to do. My whole collection of movies is on that Synology NAS. They worked perfectly with the Onkyo setup. And even now, I am able to use my pcs, laptops, tablet and mobile phones to view these bluray movies in MKV files over my wired and home wireless network. I use VLC to view the MKV files and both audio tracks and subtitles show up flawlessly.

So my fellow Yamaha A x060 receivers owners - anyone else found the same problem?

myblue 發表於 2016-8-28 22:05

本帖最後由 myblue 於 2016-8-28 22:07 編輯

經過,試吓一齊揾揾問題. 現在個setup:

Source (NAS)---<LAN>---- Himedia 910B -----<- HDMI1.4>--- Yamaha RX-A2060 ---<HDMI/HDCP2.2>---- PanasonicTV

就咁睇, 似乎唔多關NAS個source事, 個player (Himedia) 去Yamaha個到出事多, 可以試下:
1) 係Yamaha receiver 個HDMI port熄佐HDCP2.2 {試HDMI}; 或
2) 用你部notebook 希望係有HDMI, thunderbolt轉HDMI), 駁上同一個Yamaha HDMI port. 然後試用VLC或其他software player播返同一套你認為OK的戲. {bypass Himedia而試player}.

Associated 發表於 2016-8-29 01:21

myblue 發表於 2016-8-28 22:05 static/image/common/back.gif
經過,試吓一齊揾揾問題. 現在個setup:

Source (NAS)------- Himedia 910B -------- Yamaha RX-A2060 - ...

Good idea C-Hing.

(1) Will look up manual to see if "Input HDMI/HDCP2.2" can be changed
(2) Will test with laptop via HDMI to see if VLC can read NAS and stream MKV movie onto Panasonic

Source (NAS)---<LAN>---- laptop using VLC -----<<- HDMI 2.0>>--- Yamaha RX-A2060 ---<HDMI/HDCP2.2>---- PanasonicTV

Strange though, this set up worked perfectly with Onkyo 3007....

Will report later.

Associated 發表於 2016-8-29 13:39

Test result

(1) Will look up manual to see if "Input HDMI/HDCP2.2" can be changed
Answer: Cannot manually change HDCP 2.2 setting on Yamaha A2060

(2) Will test with laptop via HDMI to see if VLC can read NAS and stream MKV movie onto Panasonic
Answer: Using Laplop, VLC via HDMI directly into Yamaha A2060 (bypass Himedia 910B). Confirm can stream all MKV movie files and output video and sound onto Panasonic TV.

Conclusion: There is a connectivity problem between HiMedia 910B streaming video and sound via Yamaha A2060.

Solution: May need to buy new HiMedia Q10 四代 (2016香港版). {:1_338:} A risk though as it may still not work with new Yamaha A2060....

myblue 發表於 2016-8-29 17:52

本帖最後由 myblue 於 2016-8-29 21:04 編輯

恭喜Ching揾出個問題之余又有藉口换機, 正!

你套影音架生咁正,點解唔揾部好d既player? 唔係話海記唔掂,見你用紧Plasma睇暗位,又用Y記配樂, 斷估都要有Sigma chip咁質素先襯得起喎。

Associated 發表於 2016-8-30 01:21

Myblue C-Hing,
Wow. What a day!
I bought the Himedia Q10 at Sham Shui Po today. Took it home and installed it.

GUI interface of Himedia Q10 came on very quickly. Much, much faster than boot up on Himedia 910B.
Went to UPNP (that was how I used to stream videos using Onkyo 3007 for past 7 years).
Clicked on mkv movie file (10G) on HiMedia Q10 and streaming is stuck at 40%.
No sound or video. OMG! I thought spend HK$2000 for a brick!!
Then I noticed a new icon on "MEDIA" menu. It was 'LAN" and it wasn't on the old Himedia 910B.
Clicked on LAN and I saw my usual video and audio folders.
Clicked again on of the problem files and heart worked!! Movie MKV file was streaming almost instantaneously through Yamaha A2060 and output to Panasonic TV.
I played a few more files, larger mkv 30G+, audio files and all played flawlessly.

So I disconnected and the new Himedia and reconnected the Himedia 910B to see if there was a LAN option on the menu that I had missed.
There wasn't but I noticed that there was a NETWORK icon that I have never used before. I clicked on it and it required a password. I entered my synology login and password and I was able to login.
And double OMG! The Himedia 910B is able to play all the problem MKV files. And again, almost instantaneous play, maybe 1-2 seconds for the video to start streaming.

When the wife found out that the old Himedia 910B stilled worked she was not pleased!

But for me, it gave me an excuse to buy a new toy.

Associated 發表於 2016-8-30 01:26

Associated 發表於 2016-8-30 01:21 static/image/common/back.gif
Myblue C-Hing,
Wow. What a day!
I bought the Himedia Q10 at Sham Shui Po today. Took it home and ins ...

So for any new Yamaha A x060 owners using Himedia media players to access movie MKV files on Synology NAS over LAN network. Here's my own experience and advice:

Himedia 910B - don't use UPNP to stream files. Use NETWORK then WORKGROUP

Himedia Q10 - don't use UPNP to stream files. Use LAN under MEDIA icon

Have fun.

(And if anyone wants to buy my old HiMedia 910B let me know {:1_338:} )

myblue 發表於 2016-8-30 15:04

Very good. Enjoy your new toy!
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