Sell:Neotech NES 3004 MK2 2.5 M factory speaker cable
Sell :Neotech NES 3004 MK2 UPOCC copper/UPOCC Silver Plated Hybrid Speaker Cable- 1 pair (2 pcs) 2.5 M Banana plug to Fork plug Price : $3,000 (fixed)
- 1 pair (2 pcs) 2.5 M Banana plug to Banana plug Price : $3,000 (fixed)
1st hand owner both are factory cable with invoice, certificate and full packing, used around 1 year.
Sell due to New Amp only with 1 pair of Speaker connector and plan to upgrade to higher model.
Photos can be provided through whatapps
Push Push Price reduced to $2,800 per pair Push Banana to Banana Sold
Banana to Fork Still Available Push Reduce to $2,700 Push Sold.