Upgrade on listening CD
前幾日有個朋友上我家, 叫我試隻CD給他聽, 他聽了後說和他家的Denon Mini HiFi分別不大.我用以下器材聽CD
Pioneer BDP320 ----> (optical)
Musiland MD10 DAC ----> (Gotham RCA)
Onkyo 806 ----> (Gotham 50150)
現在想入Int. Amp & CDP去upgrade, Int. Amp需要有AV pass, budget大約6~7K, 各位師兄有沒有好建議, 本人多數聽流行曲
Thanks! 人地話咩你就要去upgrade咩!你自己覺得係咪要upgrade先!{:6_194:} 平價入門cambridge 640a+c 睇下33台有冇二手,應該合你budget,你可以出去試聽下先,av amp同int-amp聽歌係二個世界呢 你不如上去你朋友度聽下部Denon Mini HiFi先
試試係唔係真係咁得 之前好像見過有d Mini HiFi買過萬 好死得 本帖最後由 tatat288 於 2009-11-18 00:06 編輯
之前好像見過有d Mini HiFi買過萬 好死得
kkchan1234 發表於 2009-11-17 23:55 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
呢隻Arcam Solo Music連對kef喇叭已經過萬,{:6_206:},不過亦都認真,avamp聽歌真係比較差,師兄都係出去hifi鋪聽下係咪自己杯茶先.
http://www.entnewsmag.com/b5/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1696:kef-arcam&catid=103:digient&Itemid=353 前幾日有個朋友上我家, 叫我試隻CD給他聽, 他聽了後說和他家的Denon Mini HiFi分別不大.
Pioneer BDP320 ----> (optical)
Musiland MD10 DAC ----> (Gotham RCA)
Onkyo 806 ----> (Gotham 50150) ...
edhuen 發表於 2009-11-17 22:46 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
Before your friend said this, did you satisfy the performance of your system then?
Unless you try other system which is better than yours, dont trust someone's comment because it is too personal la...
Trust your ears and yourself la!! 你不如上去你朋友度聽下部Denon Mini HiFi先
kkchan1234 發表於 2009-11-17 23:52 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
有時你去d HiFi鋪, 會見到d人試機, 話 2k vs 10k speaker無分別. {:6_123:}
Before your friend said this, did you satisfy the performance of your system then?
Unless you try other system which is better than yours, dont trust someone's comment because it is too personal la. ...
mightyatoms 發表於 2009-11-18 00:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
完全同意! 除非呢個係你自已想換野既籍口{:6_175:} 如果你自己滿意自己套機, 就唔好聽人講兩句就換機啦...
但係如果你真係想換的話, 不妨考慮個好少少的兩聲道amp, 因為你有md10, 個source都唔算太差。