究竟MrSpeakers的香港代理能否幫行貨Ether及Ether C買家升級......?
本帖最後由 nikfung 於 2016-8-4 15:11 編輯相信這裡也有一些用MrSpeakers耳机的朋友, 尢其是年初大熱的Ether 及Ether C, 而今年5月HKSOUNDWAVE取得代理後,我們己不能直接從MrSpeakers網站訂購了, 雖然HKSOUNDWAVE只提供一年保養(MrSpeakers是2年的), 但有得先試後即買也是不錯的選擇吧{:6_146:}
但在今年7月中, MrSpeakers宣報(我叫佢改良版的) Ether Flow 及 Ether C Flow 將在8月中發貨, 即時一班訂了或買了Ether及Ether C的朋友, 就去信或在Headfi詢問有否回廠Upgrade的可能, 有幸地MrSpeakers很快地回覆 "是可以的!!!" {:6_143:}
以下是MrSpeakers右Headfi 的回覆:
As promised, here's the information on the upgrade program.
We have worked very hard to ensure upgrade pricing is as low as possible.Even the "basic" upgrade replaces the entire driver module and matching driver assemblies, which is particularly difficult with upgrades.As such we will commit to this pricing for the first 40 upgrades at which point we'll assess costs and if needed we will adjust pricing.
An order form will be live on MrSpeakers.com late next week.We anticipate starting upgrades in mid September.The order form will not require payment, it will secure your place in line.When we are ready to start upgrades we'll send a link to a private page that allows you to place your order.You'll have two weeks from receipt of notification to place your order or you forfeit your place in the queue.
We normally make special pricing for owners who purchased 30 days prior to an announcement but we are making an exception and extending special pricing for new headphone orders made up to 60 days prior to the Flow announcement.Headphones purchased AFTER the Flow announcement can be upgraded using normal pricing.Special pricing does not apply to used headphones purchased within this time frame, and proof of purchase is required if you did not purchase from MrSpeakers.com.
Note: upgrades replace the entire driver assembly so the headphone will require burn-in just like a new headphone would.
Basic upgrade:$349.99 + shipping
Replace both drivers with new matched drivers**
Add “FLOW” slider to headband
Certificate of authenticity and SN registry entry
Full upgrade*:$499.99 + shipping
Replace both drivers**
Add “FLOW” slider to headband
Certificate of authenticity and SN registry entry
Replace ear pads
Replace ear cups or grills
Convert open to closed and vice-versa (optional)
Flow box
Special pricing for recent purchasers:
Basic upgrade if purchased between May 17, 2016 and July 15, 2016: $199.99 + shipping
Full upgrade if purchased between May 17, 2016 and July 15, 2016: $349.99 + shipping
Special pricing does not apply to units purchased after the announcement (due to price decrease of ETHER models) or to used headphones purchased in this time frame.Proof of purchase is required to receive the special discount for headphones not purchased through the MrSpeakers website.
*Original Open ETHER headphones use silver bolts on the headband assembly, while ETHER C and both flow models use bronze-tinted bolts.The bolts are not replaced for ETHER headphones, other than that upgraded headphones will be identical to new Flow headphones.
**In order to precision match drivers we will need to remove and replace one of the baffles.If your headphone has visible damage to the metal baffle we will notify you and offer the option to replace the damaged part for additional expense.
首先升級的價錢是有優先優惠及升級時限的, 那我們香港行貨的買家能否升級呢, 而行寄MrSpeakers升級又有否可行或失去保養呢?!! (本人已去Email及電話詢問~下星期才會覆)
希望現有的用家及有意買入的准用家加入來討論或提供意見!!!謝謝!!! (或在視聽展一齊去問) 香港有得試 ether flow or ether c flow 未?
出了定价末? {:1_258:} AV show 2016
今午終於去了avshow,在Soundwave booth內詢問有關升級Flow的事兒,也爽快地得到 "可以升級" 的回覆, 至於時間及方法......他們說會在Facebook日後公報 Good news 昨天和Mr. Speakers 的主腦Dan和代理的代表做了一個訪問,也把握機會傳達了大家關心的這個問題。正如上面師兄所說,香港代理之後會幫大家做統一的shipping,就是幫大家收集然後一次過寄過去,以節省大家運費。價格方面還要等Dan去決定,Dan說那個首批價格是因為他們未能確定是否在成本上能應付,因為改造的成本很高,所以40隻是測試,但他表示如果以這個價格來做的時候他們不會虧本,往後也能保持這個價格去無限量提供upgrade,當然,那個upgrade價限於最近買的玩家。更多訪問請待之後更新。 今天下午見到 Mr Dan 本人, 好高興見到他。A really nice guy. {:1_351:}
因為要聽我白己的熟識的歌; 我用 新出的 i5 high gain volume 67/100; 音壓巳夠了。
我聽 ether c. flow 有成 20 mins ; ether flow 8 mins; 現場有歌手唱 live show, 跟本無法聽 ether flow... ; 但 ether c. flow 的改變令我驚喜。有爽快的 bass, 跟我上次試 ether c. 感覺分別是正面。
我跟Mr. Dan 談了一下, 我的聽感。
跟著八卦一下定價...新的 Flow series 出了定價, $15888.00 ~ 6' cable; $16888.00 ~ 10' cable。只有預訂。
明天尚有兄弟入場一定必聽 " 3 大耳牛之一 " {:1_345:}