hahaha..yesasia 放错SACD价钱---發達嘞
本帖最後由 Cheong448 於 2016-8-1 16:02 編輯{:6_134:} {:6_135:}
https://scontent-hkg3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13892228_10154397541022258_8381689792486030408_n.jpg?oh=422d34a1f618d75885df552cbbd124d7&oe=5824E97A Of course, I ordered the boxset!! 都話個市場吸收唔到架喇,點止嫻姐,好戲在後頭,特別係果啲 SACD :
Soundboy 發表於 2016-8-1 16:12 static/image/common/back.gif
Of course, I ordered the boxset!!
訂左發現左錯佢地應該會取消Order喎! 本帖最後由 psb 於 2016-8-1 16:28 編輯
富少兄仲唔快手啲搏懵入返一套!!!{:6_165:} {:6_208:} 已更改正常價錢~
唔知有冇人訂左, 想知點樣處理, 還是豪比你~ (鬼叫個職員未看清楚就UPLOAD上去) 本帖最後由 Soundboy 於 2016-8-1 09:51 編輯
slche2001 發表於 2016-8-1 00:25 static/image/common/back.gif
Yesasia.com emailed me about the mistake and offered a US$20.00 discount if I want the boxset.
Depending on where the person ordered from, yesasia.com may be held liable. They offered the product at a certain and I accepted. That's a contract.
Amazon.com made these kind of mistake before too. Soundboy 發表於 2016-8-2 01:48 static/image/common/back.gif
Yesasia.com emailed me about the mistake and offered a US$20.00 discount if I want the boxset.
D ...
平20美金都好吖!可能平過香港買! 許諾 發表於 2016-8-1 17:26 static/image/common/back.gif
唔知有冇人訂左, 想知點樣處理, 還是豪比你~ (鬼叫個職員未看清楚就UPLOAD上去) ...
取消左 係淘寶天貓,之前都有,beyond掛錯價錢,賣出7套。每套都係360幾,標成113.不過都有發貨。無話討價還價,該送的禮物照樣送!