Yamaha Z7 壞機 (Sold)
本帖最後由 ewartuen 於 2016-8-7 06:48 編輯Yamaha Z7 壞機一部, $500
有興趣請PM, 可以直接在荃灣通利維修中心交收!
P.S.邊度有得整通知聲, 我仍然對佢好有感情 師兄,請問維修幾錢? manlad760 發表於 2016-7-22 09:14 static/image/common/back.gif
$6400, 買部新嘅入門都有找! 師兄!知唔知壞乜?我有興趣 ewartuen 發表於 2016-7-22 11:44 static/image/common/back.gif
$6400, 買部新嘅入門都有找!
咁又真係貴左D,二,三千就一定整。 mankit9998 發表於 2016-7-22 13:38 static/image/common/back.gif
跟據error code,service manual話係壞power resistor, 但通利話要換main board同video board. 本帖最後由 billymud 於 2016-7-23 07:34 編輯
ewartuen 發表於 2016-7-22 14:51 static/image/common/back.gif
跟據error code,service manual話係壞power resistor, 但通利話要換main board同video board. ...
係壞power resistor,repair fee shall be $300, including labor and material. ( e.g. if the fatal failure was due to short-ckt at speaker output(s). )
要換main board同video board, reasonable repair fee shall be $3,000, including labor and new boards.
however, I wonder how could both the main board and the video board be defective at the same time.{:1_342:}
通利 might be pushing u to purchase a new gear from them. {:1_352:}
本帖最後由 ewartuen 於 2016-7-23 09:15 編輯
billymud 發表於 2016-7-23 07:25 static/image/common/back.gif
係壞power resistor,repair fee shall be $300, including labor and material. ( e.g. if the fatal f ...
部機係早排潮濕,手痕幾年無熄power, 諗住慳電熄咗,跟住有日一開就自動熄機,換board佢少好多功夫,所以先由幾百變幾千,無奈鸭記個個見到hdmi即刻話唔整,吹脹