taipeiwalkerhk 發表於 2016-7-12 10:53

Burson Conductor Air - really breaks my heart

Sorry can't type chinese with this computer.

Burson sent an email to her customers that the Conductor Air will be released in Aug.And the early early bird price is just right though it only accepts USB input.I really wanted to "Dog rush" to order in order to pair it with my AK70.However, after I asked some questions (size and battery related) to the support and I got the heart broken answer.

Our Air is 115mm*62mm*15mm.It does not have internal battery.Instead it relies on any external 5v battery or the internal battery of OTG mobile devices.

Oh God, if I go for CA then I need to bring 3 bricks on the road ?!   

Then if this is the case ....most likely, I may go for "industrial standard" - M0J0.

jaffeinism 發表於 2016-7-12 13:29

我無幫佢買過買過野, 佢都sent左email俾我....

400mw, 推動鐵好似多左

taipeiwalkerhk 發表於 2016-7-12 14:51

Ok just got the feedback from their support

If you are using an OTG android phone then most likely, it will allow the Air to use the phone battery.With the ios iphones, an additional 5v battery bank is necessary as iphones dont' allow their battery to be used this way.

The Air is also designed to be powered by the USB of a laptop while you are in a cafe or library.   Or you can use it at home or in your office next to a desktop computer.It has a remote controlled preamp.So the air is a portable sized device with desktop performance and functionalities.

Though it may not good to carry it out for a walk but the remote vol. control is very tempting !

jaffeinism 發表於 2016-7-13 01:31

taipeiwalkerhk 發表於 2016-7-12 14:51 static/image/common/back.gif
Ok just got the feedback from their support

If you are using an OTG android phone then most likely, ...

用遙控控制音量好的, 好過用MOUSE, 用MOUSE推音量好容易推過左炸耳
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