發表於 2016-7-12 20:21
alleelarry 發表於 2016-7-12 20:20 static/image/common/back.gif
發表於 2016-7-12 20:49
kl122002 發表於 2016-7-12 20:15 static/image/common/back.gif
都同意現在是比以前講多少少LBGT 的事, 至於現在是不是刻意....或者吧?
我身邊都有朋友是homo的, 以前一 ...
I do partially agree with your opinion. Parents should be the one accountable for children's mental health.
發表於 2016-7-12 22:05
本帖最後由 jc2ssych 於 2016-7-12 22:15 編輯
Nolan 發表於 2016-7-12 20:49 static/image/common/back.gif
I do partially agree with your opinion. Parents should be the one accountable for children's menta ...
Come on. I also don't mean to hijack the column here to talk about sexuality. But I'm really disgusted by both the message and wordings in your previous expression.
With due respect, one certainly has his/her rights to be fearful of anything on earth. Just like some are really afraid of insects, rats, reptiles or even popular pandas and koalas. But I do feel it's arbitrary to draw a line between straight and queer, hetero and homo, while putting oneself as gravity while the others marginal, projecting one's fear and subjecting values on others as if they are universal truths.
And it's too wrong to assume one is always appealing to the others who should have "kept their sexuality between themselves and their partners". With such a sexuality radar on all the time, who's so horny after all?
One can always stay away from where it doesn't think it belongs to. But there is no confrontation in each other's world. In short, I understand you love your world, but it doesn't justify your bombs on the other's.
發表於 2016-7-12 22:50
本帖最後由 Nolan 於 2016-7-12 23:33 編輯
jc2ssych 發表於 2016-7-12 22:05 static/image/common/back.gif
Come on. I also don't mean to hijack the column here to talk about sexuality. But I'm really disg ...
I do apologize if I ever said something a step too far. As a matter of fact, I really shouldn't have said anything irrelevant to movies here.
And I wanna clarify that I was never in an effort to traumatize anyone who's in favour of LGBT, I was just so flabbergasted by those drastic changes of animations. Those animations I watched when I was a kid were defacto purely for kids, they didn't spread the word "Being a part of LGBT is a privilege." I was too shocked by the transformations.
I suppose most parents in Hong Kong do hope their childen can have a normal life. Like I said before, homos are not sinners, but if they get too highprofile, they'll cause chaos to the society.
I reokon that you and I are just having different perspectives, none of us is accusing one another. It's apparent that you had a better education than I had, I'm merely scratching the surface.
發表於 2016-7-12 23:55
本帖最後由 jc2ssych 於 2016-7-12 23:59 編輯
Nolan 發表於 2016-7-12 22:50 static/image/common/back.gif
I do apologize if I ever said something a step too far. As a matter of fact, I really shouldn't ha ...
I'm afraid you have still misinterpreted my point.
What I'm condemning is not the difference between you and I personally, but an adaptation of hierarchy, whether who's higher and who's lower. You may be right that it could be a problem if someone is too pushy when promoting something is privilege, if there is such a thing, but would you feel the same disgust if someone announced being hetero is a privilege? I bet you wouldn't, as it is more prone to normal to be hetero than homo, in accordance with your previous discourse. Don't you agree that the over-quinessential "more prone to" thing without justification a bit problematic?
My point is that, it's not the point of whose having higher education, who's homo, who's hetero, who're parents, who're not, who's highprofile and who's remaining in their little space. Everyone should have their rights to glorify their belief, even they do it, if they really did, in mass media. Chaos does never come out of expression itself but only happens with excessive secondary interpretation.
Again, I respect each other's passion and devotion in film sharing. So do yours Nolan. And I'm not enforcing my views to overwhelm anyone's, as there shouldn't be any hierarchy in any discourse. Hope you somehow take what I meant. Cheers.
發表於 2016-7-13 08:24
我又唔覺在這裡講少少homo/hetro 有什麼問題. 現在電影中間中都有出沒, 只差左有沒有為意而已.
業界中, homo是有存在, 過去都有(如Truman Capote) ., 是不是我看過了 Breakfast at Tiffany's 就等於我也認同homo?
只是現在變成了更大膽明言, 而不是以前般秘密, 或只是當有了一定力量才敢說出來.
其實homo/hetero 對我而言是沒什麼所謂. 只是一套電影, 或者一件產品因為LBGT而有偏見, 我只覺得問題未免講得太大.
現在的重點, 我看, 是面對, 而不是擔心, 害怕, 否定, 或強行接受.
發表於 2016-7-13 12:39
其實pixar的作品, 唔少的骨幹故事都係比較成人向, 好似up講老人心態, inside out講兒童心理, 所以我認為呢d係加入了兒童元素同包裝的成人片, 點解? 細路錢好搵d嘛~~~
反而最近迪迪尼自己出返的zootopia就異常地係成人向, 呢套唔係小朋友唔啱睇, 只係小朋友睇到的頂盡係面個浸lor.
講返呢套戲, 我都睇左, 英文版啦, 除了上面提的zootopia有朋友推介廣東話版外, 基本上我都唔會自己去睇配音版, 大部份啦, 配音版真係好難表達原意的.
發表於 2016-7-13 13:52
mike384 發表於 2016-7-13 12:39 static/image/common/back.gif
其實pixar的作品, 唔少的骨幹故事都係比較成人向, 好似up講老人心態, inside out講兒童心理, 所以我認為呢d ...
成人向卡通其實以前都有, 好似宮崎駿的<百變狸貓>. 以前只覺D狸貓好得意, 再睇先覺是講城鄉發展vs環保, 原來係好悶...<飛天紅豬俠>是愛情片
只是感覺上當年的Toy story, Bugs, Monster inc, 都係細路戲之外,
Finding Nemo已是成人向, 講教仔
Incredibles 講男人的中年危機. ...
我想, 或者是為了應對oscar獎的口味才加入不少成人元素吧? {:6_146:}
Cars 3 (2017) (賣玩具)
Toy Story 4 (2018) (???)
The Incredibles II (2019)(青少年心理?)
下一部會續的我估是Ratatouille 或者 Up ? {:6_141:}
發表於 2016-7-13 16:50
kl122002 發表於 2016-7-13 13:52 static/image/common/back.gif
成人向卡通其實以前都有, 好似宮崎駿的. 以前只覺D狸貓好得意, 再睇先覺是講城鄉發展vs環保, 原來係好悶. ...
老鼠大廚同昇空老人, 呢兩套我都幾喜歡睇的, 希望唔好為錢拍到佢地爛啦.
講開成人向, 好似紅猪, 我個人喜歡軍事野, 所以超LIKE的, 呢套其實又係一套好反戰的作品, 如宮崎駿係一篇訪問稿中講過, 鍾意兵器唔代表喜歡戰爭, 一打仗D兵器就會爛哂架!!
而佢本人繼紅猪後拍了套風起了就退埋休, 真係可惜, 睇黎雜想筆記的其他作品, 都冇機會動畫化了.
發表於 2016-7-13 18:52
mike384 發表於 2016-7-13 16:50 static/image/common/back.gif
老鼠大廚同昇空老人, 呢兩套我都幾喜歡睇的, 希望唔好為錢拍到佢地爛啦.
講開成人向, 好似紅猪, 我個人 ...
私心是希望Ratatoullie拍續集. 很輕鬆, 快樂, 而且有點意思的劇本.
只是TS 4 我都唔知佢地可以講乜了. {:6_136:}
現在這個時代, 宮崎駿的故事方式未免有少少老化. 可幸的是當年的作品有不脫色的魔力.
有時一些事物留在回憶中比起長久不退, 更美.{:6_146:}