CayinAndy 發表於 2016-7-6 23:34

Cayin 小西裝:iDAC-6 解碼和 iHA-6 全平衡耳擴

本帖最後由 CayinAndy 於 2016-7-7 21:13 編輯

Cayin 的便攜產品大家都不會陌生了,但他們的臺式 HeadFi 產品卻好像較小討論。 i 系列的 iDAC-6 和 iHA-6 自上年 10月開售至今,都沒有開帖介紹。近期我陸陸續續收到 PM 查詢這套小西裝的資料和玩法,所以趁 InnerFidelity 剛發表了 iDAC-6 和 iHA-6 的評測,便決定開帖集中介紹這套解碼 + 耳擴小西裝了。

iDAC-6 解碼器 (HK$5600)



[*]使用高解析度USB AUDIO技術 ,透過USB界面接收並解碼電腦播放器輸出的高清數字音頻信號 ,搭建電腦音樂播放平臺。
[*]同軸輸入支援 DoP 輸入,可以實現 DSD 解碼(前端播放設備需支持DoP輸出功能)。
[*]採用 4 只 6N16B 電子管緩衝輸出,配合內置 5 種可選濾波器,可滿足不同音色需求。
[*]同時配置 RCA 和 XLR 音頻輸出,並且 RCA 輸出可選擇 Vacuum Tube 或 Transistor 輸出。
[*]可選擇 Line out 或 Pre-Out 模式,滿足不同系統需求。
[*]外觀造型小巧簡約,採用OLED顯示屏,可輕鬆容入 SOHO 或家居環境。


[*]採用兩顆AKM的AK4490 D/A芯片,每顆芯片以單聲道模式運作。

iHA-6 耳機放大器 (HK$ 5280)


[*]使用本公司研製的低漏磁、高效率優質環形電源變壓器,並採用大容量濾波電容(總容量超過40000uF) 。左右聲道獨立供電,減少左右聲道電源串擾。

[*]外觀造型小巧簡約,時尚設計可輕鬆容入 SOHO或家居環境。




iDAC-6和 iHA-6是兩件獨立發售的器材,但兩者其實相輔相乘,簡單地形容就是 DAC負責音色,耳放負責驅動。講出來是很簡單,但做起來還是有很多細節要考慮和鋪排的。曾經有朋友問我,Cayin以膽機聞名,那為什麼不做膽耳放呢? 實情是 Cayin是有一台膽耳放的,那是 HA1Amk2,前身 HA1A十年前已位列 Stereophile Recommended Component (Class B),而在從新設計這套 desktop系統時耳放決定是石機而不是膽機,其中一個重點考慮就是上述所提到的分工合作了。那究竟這簡單的分工構思帶出了什麼設計方向呢?

[*]AK4490提供 5 種可選數碼濾波器,可用作音色微調,再在膽/石的緩衝輸出選擇,總共提供了 10 種不同的音色選擇。
    * 低阻高敏:低底噪,低增益
    * 低阻低敏:大電流,高增益
    * 高阻音敏:高電壓擺幅,低底噪,低增益
    * 高阻低敏:高電壓擺幅,高增益
[*]iHA-6 為滿足上述推動要求,除了要有足夠的輸出功率和適合的增益選擇外,更增設靜態電流設定,在高靜態電流狀態下,輸出功率會略為向下調令電流量可相對增加,這模式理論上能有效對應低敏低阻和平板耳機的驅動要求。在低靜態電流狀態下,提升輸出功率成為優先考慮,但電流量相對略低。
[*]除了提供合適的驅動條件,iHA-6 必須讓 iDAC-6 的音色調教儘量不受耳放的影響而直達耳機,所版 iHA-6 的放大設計必須低音染和擁有很高的透明度。

iDAC-6 和 iHA-6 就是以這樣的分工構思來厘定了基本設計方向。Cayin 的工程團隊儘力在既定的產品預算下完成了上述的設計要求。最終效果是否如預期—理想?質素和音色的平衡是否滿足用戶的需要?這些便有待用消費者的抉擇和交流來印証了。

CayinAndy 發表於 2016-7-7 00:10

本帖最後由 CayinAndy 於 2016-7-7 00:14 編輯

自從華麗轉身後轉眼便一年了,這段時間已很小寫產品評論的文章了,賣花讚花香總是有點不太自然吧,所以今次我轉載一篇來自海外知名評測媒體 InnerFidelity 的評測來介紹 Cayin 的小西裝:《Cayin iDAC-6 和 iHA-6: 動力二重唱》

InnerFidelity 是發燒雜誌 Stereophile的姐妹媒體,都是來自同一出版集團 Source Interlink Media (已更為TEN: The Enthusiast Network)。這幾年 HeadFi 界除了產品和品牌不斷有人漏夜趕科場外,網上的 HeadFi 媒體也不斷湧現,百花齊放,而 InnerFidelity 在海外媒體中的評價相當高,文章的技術成份豐富,人流量和網站排名更僅次於 論壇,算是備受認可 Headfi 媒體。

這篇文章的作者 John Grandgerg 在 HeadFi 論壇, InnerFidelity, Part-Time Audiophile 和 Headphone.Guru 等發燒媒體都會見到他的專業評測,行業內很多耳機類產品在引用媒體評論時,都會引用他的評測內容作指標。我和 John 是在上年 10 月相識的,當時他在 InnerFidelity 寫了一篇 Cayin N6 的評測,我是見到報告 online了才知道的,閱讀後發現大家的聽感很接近,所以便經電郵和 HeadFi 的私訊開始網上交流。我在年初寄了一套 iDAC6 + iHA-6 套裝給他試玩,他的回應非常正面,除了決定在 InnerFidelity 寫評測外,還很快便在 HeadFi 上為 iDAC-6 和 iHA-6 開了討論帖 (John 在 HeadFi 上的網名是 Project86)。現在評測文登了,John 仍不斷在 HeadFi 上和大家討論這套小西裝的心德,海外的 Cayin 伯樂,他算是第一人了。


Cayin iDAC-6 and iHA-6: A Dynamic Duo 動力二重唱
By John Grandberg • Posted: Jun 14, 2016

Despite some fairly significant buzz in that first decade of the 21st century, Cayin seemed to take a lower profile for a while, at least from my perspective which is based on the North American scene. Only recently did they resurface—in the personal audio market of all places. I favorably reviewed their N6 portable player last year and it remains one of my top choices anywhere near its price range.

除了在21世紀初曾經吸引過大家的注意力外,Cayin都是非常低調的,起碼在北美市場而言是這樣。直到最近他們才在個人音響市場上冒泡。我曾在上年評測了他們的 N6 播放器,到現他我仍認為它是相近價位內最好的選擇。

iDAC-6 ($999 美元)

Build quality on this thing is very high. The uncommonly-thick enclosure has no exposed screws to speak of, making it more challenging than usual to access its juicy innards. The front panel is based around an LCD display which shows all manner of useful info—active input, incoming sample rate, PCM or DSD, etc. Cayin surely could have saved some dough by making the LCD a more typical flush-mounted/flat design. Instead, they gave it a bit of a cutout and mounted it at a slight angle. It's hard to explain but very obvious in the pictures. This complexity makes it more visually interesting while aiding legibility when viewed from a downward glance—as is likely to be the case with a desktop component.

這部解碼的做工非常優秀。在異常厚料的機身上找不到外露的螺絲,要看器材的內涵便有點挑戰性了。前面板上的LCD顯示屏是焦點所在,它會顯示所有操作所需的信息 — 正在使用的輸入源,音源的采樣率, PCM還是 DSD〡編碼等等。如果 Cayin是採用了典型的平面嵌入式設計來安裝這片 LCD應會較省工夫的。相反地,他們在面版上做了兩個切口,然後將 LCD以輕微的斜角嵌入。看圖會比文字描述更容易明白。這個複雜的設計除了增加視角上的趣味性外,也改善了由上向下看的可讀性 — 這正是在桌面上放置器材時最常遇到的情況。

Unlike any of those models, the iDAC-6 offers your choice of tube or solid state outputs. These are selectable via the very straight forward menu system controlled by a combination of spinning and pressing the volume knob. The analog output stage is based around the Texas Instruments OPA604 and OPA2604 FET opamps, while the tube option adds a quad of 6N16B miniature tubes as an additional buffer stage. So I wouldn't call this a "pure" tube DAC, but neither are many other designs. …..

和其他同類器材相比, iDAC-6 有一個很特別的功能,就是提供了膽和石兩組輸出。用戶只需在同時兼作音量控制的旋扭上一按一扭便能選擇不同的輸出。模擬輸出是基於德州儀器 (Texas Instruments) 的 OPA604 和 OPA2604場效應管(FET) 運放,而膽輸出選項則加了 4根6N16B微型膽管作緩衝級。這可能不能算是純正完整的膽解碼,不過市面上有不少膽解碼器產品其實也不能算是吧。 ……

I installed the device in my desktop rig, paired with a MacBook Pro running an up to date copy of Audirvana Plus. With both outputs active simultaneously, I was able to feed the matching iHA-6 headphone amp as well as my Adam Audio F5 active monitors without resorting to tactics like splitter cables. I appreciated the volume control as Adam rather inconveniently placed their volume knobs on the rear panel for this model.

我將這部解碼加到我的桌面系統上,接上了我的 MacBook Pro,用最新版本的Audirvana Plus播放軟件播放。因為解碼器的兩組輸出是同時工作的,所以我可同時接上配套的iHA-6耳放和 Adam Audio F5有源音箱,不需要採用例如一分二的特別的接線。因為我的Adam音箱的音量控制是在背板上,調整上較為不便,所以在解碼上加了音量控制的確是值得讚賞的。

Using XLR out and therefore tube output mode, and my preferred filter selection, the resulting sound via the Adam monitors was what I'll clumsily refer to as "luscious". While generally neutral and very capable in terms of microdetail, I did detect a slight tilt towards warmth, particularly in the midrange. There was a thickness of note that is not always present on today's ultra-incisive DACs. Vocals oozed with emotion, and I mean that in the best possible way. Despite being a relatively affordable monitor, the F5 is highly capable of bringing out the passion of a performance. Thus, whether listening to Jacintha or Sinatra or even Eddie Vedder, this system excelled at sounding believably emotive. The top end also benefited from a great deal of air and a distinct lack of troublesome grain. Bass performance was clean but that's about as far as I could tell in this context, the modest woofers of the F5 being the limiting factor here.

因為接上了 XLR輸出口,自然地便用上膽輸出模式,在選擇了合適的數碼濾波後,Adam監聽音箱的聲音簡單地可形容為「甜美」。整體傾向中性的聲音配合豐富的微動態,音色稍微偏暖,尤其在中頻方面較為明顯。音樂中帶了一份厚度,這是當前偏高解析走向的解碼中較不常見的。人聲透出了滿滿的感情,是動聽和正面的。雖然 F5只是入門級的監聽音箱,但對表達歌者樂手的熱情是有一手的。所以無論是耹聽Jacintha還是Sinatra,甚至是搖滾男中音的Eddie Vedder,這套系統都是手到擒來,將感情表達得很有說服力。高頻方面空氣感也非常豐富,順滑而不帶沙石。低頻我會只以乾淨來形容了,因為F5那個不算太強的低音單元確實是限制了系統在這方面的表現!

Moving to the big setup in my living room, the little Cayin took center stage among some far larger components. I've essentially had two systems running concurrently for some time now: one path uses the Egglestonworks Emma speakers driven by a Parasound Halo A21 amplifier, with the other pairing a set of Usher Dancer Mini One DMD towers with a NuPrime ST-10 amp. These are two very different systems, both enjoyable in their way but very distinct from one another. The Usher/NuPrime combo is incisive and refined to the point of being extremely demanding of source material. The Eggleston/Parasound setup is what I'd call musical and somewhat forgiving, though not overly so. I was able to insert the iDAC-6 in the mix driving both systems directly and I definitely learned a thing or two in the process.

移步到客廳的主系統,這台小小的 Cayin 和各大塊頭拼在一起也毫不遜色。我已有一段時間在家中同時架起了兩套音響系統:一套是 Parasound Halo A21晶體管後級驅動 Eggleston Emma揚聲器,另一套是NuPrime ST-10後級配搭 Usher Dancer Mini One DMD 揚聲器。兩套系統的取向大不相同但卻各擅勝場。 Usher/NuPrime組合聲音精細,解析力高,對錄音品質毫不妥協。 Egglestone/Parasound組合有較好的音樂感和有不錯的寬鬆度。為多挖掘一點iDAC-6的潛力,我用 iDAC-6在來驅動這兩套組合。

Volume control gripes aside, I was very pleased with the sonic results here. The tube buffer and the different filters gave just enough variation to make the Cayin pair well in both systems—a task not likely accomplished by a less tweakable DAC. I used the fairly traditional "Linear Phase Slow Roll-Off" filter paired with solid-state output for the Parasound/Egglestonworks combo. It brought some welcome get-up-and-go to this easygoing duo, increasing the sense of transient snap and overall excitement. My jazz and classical experience was much improved in this configuration, which subsequently became more suitable for critical listening.

除了音量操控的精細度不足外,我對加入了 iDAC-6後的聲音是很滿意的。可選用的膽緩衝和不同的數碼濾波讓我有足夠的調音空間將 Cayin 融入兩套系統中 — 其他沒有類似細微調教的解碼便不大可能做到了。當配搭Parasound/Egglestonworks組合時我選擇了晶體管輸出模式和最傳統的 Slow Roll-off濾波。這樣會令這套隨和的系統中加入了一些很討好的熱情和幹勁,提高了瞬態和速度感,令整體聽感更興奮。在這設定之下,我的組合在回放古典和爵士樂上有了很大的改善,令系統更適合進行鑑賞聆聽。

For the NuPrime/Usher combo I wanted just the opposite—something to mellow out the high-strung, analytical sound. I found just the thing using the tube output plus the "Super Slow Roll-Off" filter, which collectively added a measure of tonal weightiness plus a graceful smoothing of unwanted shimmer on bright recordings. This system already excelled at playing Reference Recordings and similarly high quality material, but now it could handle Rudy Van Gelder Blue Note remasters without drilling my ears out. Remember how I said the changes in filters were subtle? Well, the difference between tube and solid-state output is also fairly minor, but collectively it does add up to something more significant. It won't turn an HD800 into an LCD-2, but might just help you enjoy both of those headphones if you're on the fence about certain aspects of their performance.

在 NuPrime/Usher 組合方面我希望能做到中和的效果 —稍為舒緩那份高解析力的緊湊性。使用膽輸出和將濾波設定為 Super Slow roll-off能在音樂回放中加入一份沉穩和將某些偏亮的錄音中不必要的峰值美化柔順。這系統在回放參考級錄音或高品質音源時已非常優秀,就是播放重新錄製的Rudy Van Gelder Blue Note也不會刺耳。我曾說過這些數碼濾波的改變是相當細微的。其實膽石輸出轉換也只是小幅度的改變,但加起來卻能帶出較明顯的效果。雖然這改變不會將 HD800變成了 LCD-2,但如你對這兩對耳機都有小小不滿意時,卻可藉這些調教讓你可以更享受這兩對耳機的表現。

That said, the Cayin iDAC-6 is a serious contender in its price bracket. I don't recall ever coming across a more tastefully designed, well built DAC that can do everything the little Cayin does in terms of sonic malleability. If your sensibilities demand a neutral, incisive sound with very little editorialization, the iDAC-6 can do that as well as any other in its class. If you lean more towards full-bodied, slightly euphonic playback, the iDAC-6 can do that as well—even switching from one to the other on a song by song basis if you so desire. This makes it uniquely versatile in my experience, and thus easy to recommend.

儘管如此,凱音的iDAC-6在其價位上有很強的競爭力。我不記得曾遇過一部能在聲音的可塑性上可以和這部嬌小的 Cayin一比,既有高雅設計而又精心打造的DAC。如你需要一部中性,訊息量高,低音染的解碼器,iDAC-6能媲美同級中所產品。如你傾向較強的質感和較悅耳的回放,iDAC-6也可以滿足你的要求 — 甚至可以在不同曲目也能按你心意來轉換。在我測試過的解碼中這是最具應變能力的,所以毫不猶疑地推薦給大家。

iHA-6 Balanced Headphone Amp ($999 美元)

This is a fully balanced design using all discrete components (with one exception that I'll discuss shortly) and delivering far more juice than its modest size might initially suggest. The single-ended output tops out at a healthy 2,200mW at 32 ohms, while the balanced out delivers 7,000mW into the same load. …… A look at the guts shows a beefy power supply using an in-house designed, shielded toroidal transformer flanked by over 40,000uF worth of filter capacitors. An Alps brand 4-gang volume pot attests to the "true" balanced nature of the design, though I do see opamps in the circuit to allow balanced output when using single-ended inputs or vice versa. As with many balanced amps …… I reviewed some time ago, it's generally best to stick with the same format coming in and out, avoiding extra conversion stages. The Cayin does a pretty good job of minimizing loss here but a small degree of sonic penalty is inevitable.

這部耳放是全平衡設計,全分立件 (除了一小處例外,等會兒我會說到) 製作,驅動能力是遠超你對這小型機身所預期的。單端輸出時在 32ohm 負載已達 2,200 mW,相同負載下的平衡模式更是高達 7,000mW ……從機內的組件可看到供電設計是非常重料的,除了自家設計的屏蔽式環牛外,更用了總值40,000uF的濾波電容來加持。音量控制採用了 Alps 品牌的4盤片型音量器也可算是真正的平衡式放大設計的明證。在單端輸入平衡輸出的互換線路上仍有採用了運放。我之前曾評測過的平衡式放大器,普遍都因避免額外的轉換處理而會採用相同格式的輸入和輸出,但Cayin 這部耳擴的互換線路卻能有效地將損耗減至最低,雖然小量的音質差異還是在所難免的。

The balanced output, however, is quite capable with any headphone you throw at it. And I do mean ANY headphone, including the dreaded HiFiMAN HE-6. Unless you're one of those people who insist on using a speaker amp with it, you won't find much more power for the HE-6 than what the little Cayin has on tap. …….

平衡輸出方面基本上我插上任何耳機都能應付自如。我要強調是「所有」耳機,甚至包括那對可怕的 HiFiman HE-6。除非你是那少數堅持必須用揚聲器的功放來招呼這耳機的,否則這部小 Cayin耳擴已能源源提供驅動HE-6所有需要的功率。……

Power is not the only thing this amp is good for—it can do finesse too. I actually had surprisingly good results with several custom IEMs from Noble, JH Audio, and Westone, using the XLR output of course. There's not much play in the volume knob but that can be remedied by setting the DAC output to a lower level. Once I set the DAC to around 20 (out of 32 total) I had plenty of room to dial in ideal levels on the amp. And the sound quality was excellent, really letting the unique signature of each IEM flow through—this amp has very little coloration of its own. There was a very faint, almost imperceptible background hiss that I could just make out if I really listened for it. I've heard far worse even from dedicated portable amps and DAPs which are supposedly intended for use with IEMs. So the fact that Cayin got this powerhouse amp to near silence is impressive. I admit to being more sensitive than most on this issue yet even I wouldn't hesitate to use this amp with IEMs on a regular basis.

這部耳放除了有強橫的驅動力,同時也能做到細緻的效果。我曾在試用 XLR耳機輸出推 Noble, JH Audio和 Westone等幾對定制耳機,效果是非常驚喜的。音量控制上可能調教空間較小,但可將 DAC的輸出調低來稍作補救。當我將 DAC的音量設定成 20 (最高是 32) 時,耳放的音量旋鈕便有理想的調教空間了。音質是非常優秀的,這部耳放的音染很小,讓我可以清楚感受每對 IEM的獨特音色。若我細心留意的話,是可以聽到微弱的,接近不可聞的底噪。我曾在一些本來就是專為 IEM 而設計的便攜耳放和 DAP上聽到比這更明顯很多的底噪,所以 Cayin 能將耳放做到力大無窮而又接近寂靜已經是令人欽佩的。我承認自已對這個問題是比大部份用家更敏感的,但我也會毫不猶疑地經常使用這部耳放來聽 IEM的。

The fact that this is such an honest amp makes it an ideal partner for the iDAC-6. Remember those different signatures I mentioned, based on output and filtering choices? Well, the iHA-6 makes those adjustments readily apparent. More so than any other headphone amp I've heard in the $1,000 price range. So yes, the amp can be brutally honest, but that's by design. …… If lush, euphonic sound is your thing, this probably isn't the amp for you, though when paired with the iDAC-6 the result can go somewhat in that direction if the user desires.

事實上這部高度忠實的耳放是名符其實 iDAC-6的絕配。還記得我曾提過採用不同的輸出和濾波來調出不同音色? iHA-6就正好將這調整展露無遺了,而且是比我聽過的任何一部千元級 (美金)耳放做得更好。所以這部耳放雖然是殘酷地忠實,但這是設計使然。如你想要悅耳醉人的音色,這部耳放便未必是適合你的,但如配搭 iDAC-6,用戶還是可以按自已的要求來朝這方向調整的。

I think that's the key here—this stack was clearly designed to work together, playing off the strengths of each component. The DAC is versatile and the amp uncompromising. ….. Or, switching things up a bit, they can beautify your music at the expense of some accuracy. It's your choice. I use different settings for the HD800, Dharma, and HE-6 than I do for the LCD-3, HD650, and Noble K10, and I love having the option to switch as needed. Add in the generous amount of inputs and format support, plus the massive power output that can drive even the most difficult of headphones, and you can see the appeal.

我認為這是關鍵所在 — 這兩部器材中DAC多才多藝,耳放則極致而不妥協,兩者相輔相承,明顯地是設計成一套的配搭。又或者偶然想來個大轉身,只需降低小許的精准度便能將你的音樂隨心美化,這都是你彈指間的選擇。我在配搭 HD800, Dharma (D1000) 和 HE6時會和配搭 LCD-3, HD650和 Noble K10採用了不同的設定, 能夠有不同的選項讓我按需要切換實在是賞心樂事。再加上多元化的輸入和制式支持,和強大的輸出功率可以驅動最刁難的耳機,實在是非常有吸引力。

Final Thoughts

In the end, the iDAC-6 is recommended but doesn't really fit into any of our categories on the Wall of Fame. It's a very capable DAC though, competing well with better examples from both the musical and the neutral schools of thought in this price range. I can't imagine someone being disappointed with it in their system unless perhaps they were looking for a more extreme coloration—the warm, inviting signature it can impart only goes so far, and may not be enough for someone desiring a truly dark, NOS type of sound.

The iHA-6 amp, however, does seem worthy of a Wall of Fame recommendation. …… the fact that Cayin accomplished this so well in a smaller, far less expensive component is very impressive, and thus deserving of Wall of Fame status.


結論是iDAC-6是被推薦的,可惜我們的名器榜上卻沒有合適的分類。他是務實斡練的產品,足以和更具名氣的同級產品爭持,而且無論是偏向樂感還是要追求中性的都不惶多讓。我實在不能想像會有用戶在加了這部 DAC 到自已的系統後會失望的,除非是個別追求特別強烈的色彩—例如對一些要求偏暗和醇舊色彩的用戶,那這部解碼在營造較暖和富魅力的音色方面確實是未盡如意的。

而 iHA-6 則應會被安排登上名器榜。…. 事情上 Cayin能以如此小的機身,不昂貴的價錢而能在多方面都能達標,這已是非常令人歎為觀止的,所以位列名器榜也是實至名歸的。

CayinAndy 發表於 2016-7-7 00:16


dennis33kwong 發表於 2016-7-7 07:54

CayinAndy 發表於 2016-7-7 00:10 static/image/common/back.gif
自從華麗轉身後轉眼便一年了,這段時間已很小寫產品評論的文章了,賣花讚花香總是有點不太自然吧,所以今次 ...

早晨ANDY兄,小弟曾是N6的用家,雖然現已因放棄了便攜組合而出售了,但對Cayin這品牌仍有一定的好感,小弟5月中入手了HD800S,暫時用Teac UD501 + Graham Slee Solo,現正在物色平衡組合中,不知這套小西裝,香港是否有試聽的地方嗎?

nikfung 發表於 2016-7-7 13:43


CayinAndy 發表於 2016-7-7 17:06

dennis33kwong 發表於 2016-7-7 07:54 static/image/common/back.gif
早晨ANDY兄,小弟曾是N6的用家,雖然現已因放棄了便攜組合而出售了,但對Cayin這品牌仍有一定的好感,小 ...

添置 18 樓 AV Gala 有齊 Cayin 的耳機類器材,包括這套 iDAC-6/iHA-6 小西裝,師兄可以帶自已對耳機上去試聽。{:1_351:}

CayinAndy 發表於 2016-7-7 17:08

nikfung 發表於 2016-7-7 13:43 static/image/common/back.gif

AK380 + Crystal 線直推? 我都想試下,不過對個底座有興趣多 D,因為有 XLR 頭,線材選擇多 D!

CayinAndy 發表於 2016-7-7 21:22

一時忘記了寫香港的定價,致令有興趣的朋友以為香港都是賣 US$999,其實因為運費和稅項都較有利,所以這套小西裝的定價是比較實惠的,iDAC-6 是 HK$5600, iHA-6 是 HK$5280,請有興趣的朋友留意了!{:1_351:}

nikfung 發表於 2016-7-8 00:35

CayinAndy 發表於 2016-7-7 17:08 static/image/common/back.gif
AK380 + Crystal 線直推? 我都想試下,不過對個底座有興趣多 D,因為有 XLR 頭,線材選擇多 D!


Astell&Kern PEF21 (Balance to Twin XLR) connect between AK380 copper and the IHA6, sound really good and natural. Now I am testing the Ether C with 6.3mm SE and the 4 pins balance DUM cable, and the Abyss with the original twin XLR.

For th Ether C, Since I am not using the Hugo, the sound become little faster and less pounding bass, but it dosen't mean the sound become worse, it just changed the texture with the same power, everything become more solid but not regid! The 4 pins plus High Current and Low Gain is the winner, the soundstage is wider, the detail is better and the position of the vocals and BGM is more accurate!!

For the Abyss, it still the best amount all others. May be the hugo produce more "grand" sound but the cable sound more human!!

My opinion is PEF21 is a easier and simplier setup if you got the ak240gold/AK240ss or Ak380copper DAP, whichproviding good quality and clean sound, for other DAP you better get a Hugo!!

and Andy 這是那個坐的近图

tubeamy 發表於 2016-7-8 17:57

nikfung 發表於 2016-7-8 00:35 static/image/common/back.gif
Astell&Kern PEF21 (Balance to Twin XLR) connect between AK380 copper and the IHA6, sound really go ...

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查看完整版本: Cayin 小西裝:iDAC-6 解碼和 iHA-6 全平衡耳擴

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