xerxeshowie 發表於 2016-7-7 09:20

本帖最後由 xerxeshowie 於 2016-7-7 09:24 編輯

Go to Dyna Show Room to hear all Dynas la{:6_157:}

地址:香港 中環 皇后大道中79-83號 萬興商業大廈 2字樓B室
電話:(852) 2810 0181

總裁出馬 Dynaudio 新Excite系列登場:






無形中節省不少器材的花費,對於想要節省預算的Hi End玩家來說,自然是一大福音。



Absolute Sound Review ! ! !


shooter 發表於 2016-7-7 11:40

投 Proac 一票

kkc 發表於 2016-7-20 18:23

I also considered these before getting my X34.My brief comparison (with Chord Hugo as source, MA6600 int amp, but at different room):

Bass: D20r have better sub-bass, X34 has more natural bass (less dry)
Mid: Male Vocal - prefer D20r, female vocal or instruments - prefer X34
Treble: D20r have more presence, but I find it too bright.X34 is easier to listen to
Imaging: X34 project the stage better - has more width and depth (may be also due to room?)
Look/Design: prefer X34

Both are very good choice and I went with X34, I feel it is more coherent across all frequency and sounded more natural and life-like over D20r.Maybe I just prefer dome tweeter over ribbon.

Very happy with X34+X24 for Home Theatre performance too.

xerxeshowie 發表於 2016-7-20 21:59

kkc 發表於 2016-7-20 18:23 static/image/common/back.gif
I also considered these before getting my X34.My brief comparison (with Chord Hugo as source, MA66 ...

Dyna is definitely more refined in all areas,

Its sound is so additive, i can play it all day long ! {:6_193:}

kkc 發表於 2016-7-24 02:18

OP may also consider scansonic mb 2.5 If looking for small sized tower. A little cheaper than X34, looks more modern, sound quite pleasing for pop/jazz/rock type.
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查看完整版本: proac d20r 對 Dynaudio x34

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