tcflex401 發表於 2016-7-15 10:40

The case is simple.

1. If you are using a non audio grade router , you can put a audio grade switch eg PPP switch between the router and the NAS,the connection is

router --> Switch -> NAS.The streameror PC use wired connection to connect to switch. It can then take the benefit of the audio grade switch within your local network. I am using that way.

However, if you want to subscribe the streaming vendor to enjoy musiceg Tidal, then it should go to internet. Theconnection will nevertheless go through the non audio grade router. That's why I use wifi connection when i enjoy streamer from internet.

The drawback of the PPP switch is not a gigabyte lan port, instead it is a 100m lan port. It will be slow if you use the NAS to do otherjob eg you put some blue-rayISO into the NAS and want to play through your AV system or even it will be very slow if you want to copy the HD movie or songsinto your NAS which go through the switch . PPP claims that the best sound is 100M LAN port.

2. For some people who don't use PPPswitch and they prefer to buy a audio grade router with gigabyte lan port which can eliminate the above drawback.

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查看完整版本: 想買聽歌靚聲Switch,有無好介紹?

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