Denon 【戲味濃烈】高清測試會 ,回來了
好正,IMAX果然唔同d,今次終於答對題目了,哈! 你就好啦,我舉手太慢{:6_156:} 亞定、Sherman 兩位到隻正碟外,第三位係邊位? 今次最估唔到既就係我地平時無咩留意既傑仔拾仔, 表現都算唔錯~ 古典野唔識欣賞......{:6_136:} 今晚係 THX 高班系列,身價及表現當然高班好多!今次最估唔到既就係我地平時無咩留意既傑仔拾仔, 表現都算唔錯~
JKC710 發表於 2009-11-12 23:15 今晚係 THX 高班系列,身價及表現當然高班好多!
wil-wil 發表於 2009-11-12 23:18
我坐尾2果排, 都掃掃地褲腳~ Finally i attended recent 3 tests.... this is the most satisfied one....
The bass is very nice, I could feel the bass from right to left in G I Joe forrest scene......
And the sound is not too loud and not sharp, the ears are more comfortable this time... 我舉手都係太慢,所以無份 今晚係 THX 高班系列,身價及表現當然高班好多!
wil-wil 發表於 2009-11-12 23:18