yuen long AV LIFE OPENED(Flagship)shop
any chings comment and opinion after visit?{:6_238:} 冇特別, 個位即是以前CMK, 係有個小地方有amp, 不過數量唔多,都唔知有冇10部, y記連3900 & z7都冇, 有小小線材, 不過都係得好少. 即係係邊個位le???我都係元朗人wor~ 即係係邊個位le???
morrise 發表於 2009-11-12 22:45 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
next to 開心廣場{:6_182:} ok la,不過d sales當你係儍仔。 that is life electric, it means include home appliances, not just av...... 唔係呀,D sales都OK我問佢野都好肯同我Check 貨,不過以AV角度睇佢D貨品選擇{:6_182:}唔夠多
, i saw the projector sanyo z700 need$19000{:6_124:}too crazy{:6_124:}so expensive{:6_154:} i saw the projector sanyo z700 need$19000{:6_124:}too crazy{:6_124:}so expensive{:6_154:}
hit87761 發表於 2009-11-12 23:58 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
灣仔腦場都有一間賣 Sanyo,不過唔幾得形號,12k 都有交易。 本帖最後由 米赫洛域 於 2009-11-13 00:07 編輯
之後佢話$10000現金價比我,可以即刻取貨,話出面mk d鋪都係咁既價喎!我thank you佢後,佢就走咗去。