nflam 發表於 2016-6-15 11:42

LX-89 同時擁有atmos bi-amp

小弟開開頭用LV-89是行5.1.2Atmos, 上星期放假時無無聊聊改為行前中置行bi-amp玩下, 嘩一試對530同520簡直脫胎換骨{:8_394:} ,對喇叭有力左,d聲明顯地實在好多,而家完全返唔到轉頭。


但係我最開初主要係想玩Atmos同DTS X,而家無駁到對天花喇叭,對天花喇叭好似裝飾咁有掛左係天花,各位Ching有無方法可以設定到LX-89有 Atmos 又同時行到 bi amp?{:6_162:}

smokeyduck 發表於 2016-6-15 11:53


get an extra power amp

i am running 5.1 only with my old av amp but modified the shitty old 2ch pre-amp for av-bypass to feed two power-amps for front bi-amp, one for high frequency and one for low frequency, one shitty old 2ch power-amp to drive front centre bi-amp, lastly one shitty old 2ch power amp to driver surrounds.

i would say using power-amps to drive gives more details sound.of course if the power-amp is powerful enough, you may not need to bi-amp.but bare in mind the output figure from the spec sheet can be very misleading.

nflam 發表於 2016-6-15 12:14

smokeyduck 發表於 2016-6-15 11:53 static/image/common/back.gif

get an extra power amp

我有想過加後級方法,是否AV amp設定為行Atmos,將前置和中置交由後級推動?
但我諗唔通後級如何有兩條線推動喇叭? 後級是否有得這樣設定?

raylee 發表於 2016-6-15 13:41

nflam 發表於 2016-6-15 12:14
我有想過加後級方法,是否AV amp設定為行Atmos,將前置和中置交由後級推動?
但我諗唔通後級如何有兩條線 ...

咁樣玩, 你要有

1. 5 聲道後級 av 用
2. 2 聲道後級 front 用

smokeyduck 發表於 2016-6-15 13:58

nflam 發表於 2016-6-15 12:14 static/image/common/back.gif
我有想過加後級方法,是否AV amp設定為行Atmos,將前置和中置交由後級推動?
但我諗唔通後級如何有兩條線 ...

there are so many types of power-amp, the most common that you can find are:

1) mono block - one signal input, one output
can be the most expensive way, each channel can connect to one mono block individually so you will need 7 mono blocks, or 10 mono blocks if you want to bi-amp front left/right and centre

2) 2 channels - two signals input, two outputs

3) 3 channels - three signals input, three outputs

4) 5 channels - five signals input, five outputs

5) 7 channels - seven signals input, seven outputs

nflam 發表於 2016-6-15 14:02

raylee 發表於 2016-6-15 13:41 static/image/common/back.gif
咁樣玩, 你要有

1. 5 聲道後級 av 用

抱歉,未玩過後級唔係好識駁,第一部我5聲道我諗到點駁,我估係前級直接per out去(睇說明書{:6_229:} ),但係點樣駁第二部兩聲道後級?

smokeyduck 發表於 2016-6-15 14:28

本帖最後由 smokeyduck 於 2016-6-15 14:30 編輯

nflam 發表於 2016-6-15 14:02 static/image/common/back.gif
抱歉,未玩過後級唔係好識駁,第一部我5聲道我諗到點駁,我估係前級直接per out去(睇說明書 ), ...

it is actually far simpler than you think.assuming your av-amp has all the signal pre-out:

front left, front centre, front right, surround left, surround right, atmos left atmos right

eg, you want the front l/c/r surround l/r driven by power-amp, set those channels to pre-out, connect those 5 signal cables (rca?) to the 5 channels power-amp's input and connect the power-amp outputs to those five speakers respectively.

for bi-amping the front l/c/r you need 3 units of 2ch power-amps and 3 rca spliters.
set the front l/c/r to preout, connect each signal cables to the spliters, each split signal connect to the dedicated power-amp
eg, front left preout > 1 single rca cable > rca spliter > 2 single rca cables > 2ch power-amps input > 2 pair of speaker cables > front left speaker high / low

smokeyduck 發表於 2016-6-15 14:33

this is the one that i am using

nflam 發表於 2016-6-15 14:35

smokeyduck 發表於 2016-6-15 14:28 static/image/common/back.gif
it is actually far simpler than you think.assuming your av-amp has all the signal pre-out:

fron ...

OIC, 謝謝 smokeyduck 和 raylee ching


smokeyduck 發表於 2016-6-15 14:42

nflam 發表於 2016-6-15 14:35 static/image/common/back.gif
OIC, 謝謝 smokeyduck 和 raylee ching


the av-amp format updates from time to time but not quite for power-amp, so a good power-amp can last ......ages

those two driving the front left / right (biamp) were actually used as my stereo system since late 80's, and those two driving the centre (biamp) and surrounds were from ebay uk, one of them is about 20 years old and the other is less than 10 years old i guess but they are still going very strong from my point of view
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