買餸要知米貴,買線要價格!<2> USB A to B
USB A to B wire price for reference:本帖最後由 20120820 於 2016-6-1 23:03 編輯
ching, 請問有冇其它如hdmi, 同軸 & lan price呢? thx. 20120820 發表於 2016-6-1 23:00 static/image/common/back.gif
ching, 請問有冇其它如hdmi, 同軸 & lan price呢? thx.
you can download all the price from official web 墳場發電機 發表於 2016-6-1 23:40 static/image/common/back.gif
乜原來可以咁賣廣告架 ?!?!?
版主早講嘛 !! 等我收埋蕭踢 D 價咁耐 !! 以為呢度唔可以賣廣 ...
just share the update prices for reference.........