本帖最後由 MasonLockwood 於 2016-4-15 09:52 編輯1)Mission Impossible (冇中字) 1-3 $150 sold to simonaceman
2)Fast & Furious 1-5 鐵盒(有中字) $250
3)The Matrix 1-3(有中字) $200 sold to yessunny166
4)Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief (有中字) $60
5)Ghost Rider (冇中字) $40
6)The Covenant (有中字)$40
7)XXX (冇中字) $40
8)007 Casino Royale(冇中字) $40
9)007 Quantum of Solace (有中字) $60 hold by lyfedpmp
10)The Dark Knight $50(冇中字)
11)Terminator Salvation(冇中字) $40
12)Constantine (冇中字) $40 sold to ilovecat1
13)Inception(冇中字) $50 sold to ilovecat1
14)I am number 4(有中字) $60 sold to ilovecat1
15)The Incredible Hulk(有中字) $60
16)Ocean's Eleven(冇中字) $40
17)Ocean's Twelve(冇中字) $40
18)Ocean's Thirteen(冇中字) $40
19)Sin city(冇中字) $40
20)Disturbia(冇中字) $40
21)Pearl Harbor(冇中字) $40 sold to ilovecat1
22)Step up 2 (有中字) $30 sold to ilovecat1
23)Step up 3(有中字) $30 sold to ilovecat1
24)Piranha 3D(2D)(有中字)$30
25)Con Air(冇中字) $30
26)Twilight(有中字) $30
$800 全部買
如須散買可商議, 以'先到先得'原則處理
保證99%新淨, 正版, 有意者請PM或留言或whatsapp, thx
因有網友査問單買價錢, 現更新單買價錢 3)The Matrix 1-3 (sold to yessunny166)
光碟是以'先到先得'原則處理, 不是以'多買者優先', 如有不便敬請原諒! 交易情況更新 師兄,要隻Percy Jackson & The Lightning Thief (有中字) $60。有冇第二集呀?請PM.