kangso 發表於 2009-11-7 14:09

本帖最後由 kangso 於 2009-11-7 14:10 編輯

C-hing 同我志同道合!!
AMP: 諗緊
前置: Minipop (black)
中置: Cinepop (white)
Surround: Klipsch RS-42
Surround back: Micropod SE (white)
Sub: Velodyne SPL 800R

canon.hk 發表於 2009-11-7 14:15


kit120481 發表於 2009-11-7 17:09


micma 發表於 2009-11-7 18:27

very good la {:6_193:}

bembem 發表於 2009-11-7 19:03

So Cute{:6_139:}

andycola 發表於 2009-11-7 21:36

C-hing 同我志同道合!!
AMP: 諗緊
前置: Minipop (black)
中置: Cinepop (white)
Surround: Klipsch RS-42
Surround back: Micropod SE (white)
Sub: Velodyne SPL 800R
不過全部未用,因為重未入伙!! ...
kangso 發表於 2009-11-7 14:09 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
kangso ching.. but i still decide which sub to use.... want SVS NSD... but the size is too big....

kangso 發表於 2009-11-8 00:11

30# andycola

How about your size of AV area ??
My area is 130 ft,so 8" sub is enough for me !!
I 'm the fresh AV player,you can disscus with me if you don't mind !!

andycola 發表於 2009-11-8 12:13

whloe area ard 180ft, (open kitchen + dinning room + ac area)...
so i think need 10" sub....
at beginning... i want to choose the ball from Scandyna... bt seems not too good..
so want to try another brand

kangso 發表於 2009-11-8 14:08

The sub of scandyna is not good,you can try other brand !
Sunfire, velodyna, MK, Svs are very good but depend on your $$$ ,
you should try them, The hong good sales are very nice !

andycola 發表於 2009-11-8 15:27

but where can i found the hong good for svs...
and my wife cant accept 打心口 feel.... so prefer svs law.....
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查看完整版本: My Marantz & Scandyna av system

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