flight 發表於 2016-4-9 10:00

WCHK 發表於 2016-4-9 09:26 static/image/common/back.gif

我都想買條好d, 第一要銀兩, 第二 原本CDT同解碼已經用粗電源線, 再加上其他訊号線 ...


WCHK 發表於 2016-4-9 11:45

flight 發表於 2016-4-9 10:00 static/image/common/back.gif

同意, 我用過一條幾佰蚊電源線 hospital authority UK plug, 用係CDT可有可無, 丢掉又浪費, 所以換咗 MS UK plug 包 silver fuse, 聲音線條明顯咗, 亮麗咗.

joemanstar 發表於 2016-4-9 20:42

WCHK 發表於 2016-4-2 12:55 static/image/common/back.gif
The speakers may not be run-in enough yet, the sound is not as good as expected, especially the ba ...

give them a stand, should be better

WCHK 發表於 2016-4-9 21:14

joemanstar 發表於 2016-4-9 20:42 static/image/common/back.gif
give them a stand, should be better

I cannot afford a pair of stands due to limited space in living room. Having speakers is already a dream come true to me.

joemanstar 發表於 2016-4-9 23:51

WCHK 發表於 2016-4-9 21:14 static/image/common/back.gif
I cannot afford a pair of stands due to limited space in living room. Having speakers is already a ...

not those floor stand, just little desktop stand will help

WCHK 發表於 2016-4-10 15:30

joemanstar 發表於 2016-4-9 23:51 static/image/common/back.gif
not those floor stand, just little desktop stand will help

I see. Actually, Adam provide its own desktop stand, but it doesn`t look nice to me.

alanlee212 發表於 2016-5-11 21:37

WCHK 發表於 2016-4-10 15:30 static/image/common/back.gif
I see. Actually, Adam provide its own desktop stand, but it doesn`t look nice to me.

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

WCHK 發表於 2016-5-11 22:44

本帖最後由 WCHK 於 2016-5-11 22:48 編輯

alanlee212 發表於 2016-5-11 21:37 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)


近來忙於聽比較古舊錄音嘅 Beethoven CD, 例如 Furtwängler / Klemperer, 發現有趣情況, 用 Oppo 103D+ UD301 + Beyer DT1770, 音場感覺都幾狹窄, 但一轉用 Adam 聽, 個音埸就成返形, firm 咗, 而且都OK 闊.
(DT1770 聽其他碟, 音埸係夠闊)

另外, 係依果post 之前提嘅釘腳, 唔洗半年已經氧化.{:6_154:}

kl122002 發表於 2016-5-11 22:54

WCHK 發表於 2016-5-11 22:44 static/image/common/back.gif

近來忙於聽比較古舊錄音嘅 Beethoven CD, 例如 Furtwängler / Klemperer, 發現有趣情況,...


如果唔仲意木, 可以考慮一下Sonic Design Damping Feet

WCHK 發表於 2016-5-11 23:02

kl122002 發表於 2016-5-11 22:54 static/image/common/back.gif

如果唔仲意木, 可以考慮一下Sonic Design Damping Feet

不過係塊執氧化, 隻釘腳本身就無, 所以唔急換. 再加上我D 係cheap 機, 都無咩所謂. 最緊要係留錢買碟. {:6_241:}
頁: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
查看完整版本: 簡約玩平衡 Adam artist 3 + UD503/301 (古典/流行曲聽感)

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