m82a1m40a1 發表於 2016-3-25 18:05

Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 Purpleheart Headphones

上2次Massdrop TH-X00後又一對TH-X00,不過呢次用紫心木{:6_128:}



How does this impact the sound?
Sub-bass (~50hz) through bass (~250hz) is increased ~2 db while following the same curve as the original (peak is at 50hz).

Lower midrange (~500hz-800hz) is decreased by ~5db, and where the Mahogany has a slight peak at ~600hz, the Purpleheart has a smoother climb from 500hz to 1000hz.

Midrange proper ( ~1000hz-2000hz) is essentially the same as the Mahogany.

Upper midrange (~2k-6k) is ~2db less throughout.

Highs (~8k-10k) are slightly more emphasized. Peaks and valleys are positioned differently than on the Mahogany, magnitude of peaks and valleys is similar.

Super Highs (~12k-20k) are more present. Where the Mahogany falls off at ~14k, the Purpleheart maintains presence throughout that range. This is something for the community to verify, but overall top-end extension should be improved.

CSD Graphs of the TH-X00 Mahogany showed some resonance at 3k and 6k, these mostly eliminated with the Purpleheart.

volleyking 發表於 2016-3-26 02:11

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