XBOX 對戰 PS 不是夢,Microsoft 開聲支持誇平台對戰
Microsoft 剛剛寫左封公開信,開到聲話開放誇平台對戰 (cross-platform play)啦,XBOX 同 PS 對打不是夢
點解 360 vs P3 時無發生的事,今日終於有轉機啦,咩原因大家應該心知肚明吧
Cross-Network Play
First, in addition to natively supporting cross-platform play between Xbox One and Windows 10 games that use Xbox Live, we’re enabling developers to support cross-network play as well. This means players on Xbox One and Windows 10 using Xbox Live will be able to play with players on different online multiplayer networks – including other console and PC networks.
Of course, it’s up to game developers to support this feature, and Xbox Live players will always have the option of choosing to play only with other Xbox Live players. We’re thrilled to confirm that Psyonix’s Rocket League will be one of the first games to take advantage of this new capability by enabling cross-network play between Xbox One and PC players, with an open invitation for other networks to participate as well. 如果係任天堂出聲重過癮 當年好多人用XB LIVE , XB360打機成日撞到香港人一齊CHAT好正架,但宜家XB1 D人都走晒去對家了 (就算唔係全球, 香港一定係) , 仲唔開放的話有Cross platform 既GAMES 點會買XB1 版喎 咁做法, 證明XBOX玩家真係唔夠{:6_147:}
同PC 聯咪即係自已打自已? 遲早將XBOX d 玩家轉埋去PC... 本帖最後由 cakecake 於 2016-3-23 08:24 編輯
如果Sony回應一句“關於Cross-Network Play暫時未有計劃”
到時Microsoft就真係。。。 vzai 發表於 2016-3-15 13:37
咁做法, 證明XBOX玩家真係唔夠
同PC 聯咪即係自已打自已? 遲早將XBOX d 玩家轉埋去PC... ...
你睇吓連Forza 6都會出Win 10版就知情況已經唔係幾好。