lskthomas 發表於 2009-11-4 17:44

NBA 2K10 - My player mode

雖然話nba 2k10冇2k9咁好玩, 但係個my player mode又真係其好玩... 可以create一個player, 由summer circuit, training camp開始打, 然後入nba, 好好玩, 好易上癮

mightyatoms 發表於 2009-11-4 17:55

thomas hing....
i feel so difficult to play, always get low grade.... and throw me to NBDL.....
but my friends around all said easy to play and always get A

lskthomas 發表於 2009-11-4 17:58

which position are you playing? SG or PG?

I am using a PG.It is not so difficult to score good grade.If you are a SG, you can set more pick and box out your player.Then you can score better points.At first, I always score C grade or below.Just learnt a few games and it is not so difficult.

I played the mode twice, and it seems you will be thrown to D-league anyway.But aftaer a few games (or 10+ games) in D league, you will be able to join a NBA team

mightyatoms 發表於 2009-11-4 18:07

oh i see.... i always play season mode....
let me put more effort on my player mode then....
I have not yet added you,
my PSN is mightyatoms, please add me, thanks

lskthomas 發表於 2009-11-4 18:11

oh i see.... i always play season mode....
let me put more effort on my player mode then....
I have not yet added you,
my PSN is mightyatoms, please add me, thanks
mightyatoms 發表於 2009-11-4 18:07

previously i always play the season mode also, but my brother told me about the my player mode.and i never played the season mode after i started playing the my player mode.

my PSN is hklskthomas.but i have never played online before because my shitty i cable.The connection is always cut and sometimes cannot be connected to the server.
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