chhanthony 發表於 2008-11-27 17:00

Media Player:TviX專區 M-6600N: 1.9.4b4 @ P.33 (2010.1.12)

本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2010-1-13 10:40 編輯 ...

Changes from 1.3.59

1. The crash issue found during playback of MKV files with embedded subtitle has been fixed.

2. Different audio streams can be selected while playing AVI or MKV files.

3. The system crash issue during volume change after audio track change has been fixed.

4. Audio and subtitle key works only during Play or Pause.

5. The Issue with hard disc formatting using TVIX is fixed.

6. Users can connect to SAMBA servers with different ID and password. Earlier ID could be only “tvixhd1”.

7. Fixed audio does not output when play a PCM track on DVD with some display.

* Setup structure has been changed, so please check if the setup is preserved or not after upgrade.

Known issues

Video Issues:

1. When Auto Switch is set for NTSC/24Hz, 24Hz files may not output through HDMI with some display devices.

2. For some MKV files, TVIX crashes when it is played from bookmark.

3. For MKV files having FLAC and OGG audio stream, the audio is muted.

4. For some MKV files, the subtitles displayed are not in sync

5. For some TS files, resuming normal playback after fast forward playback, leads to muting of the audio.

6. For some TP files, the audio stutters and sometimes crash is also observed.

7. For TS, TP, M2TS and MTS files, fast backward playback is not supported.

8. Play an M2TS file with DTS HD master audio.

When DTS audio setting is digital, HDMI audio is ON and HD audio passthrough is set to ON, then audio is not heard on the SPDIF output.

For the same setting, if HDMI audio is set to OFF, then audio is HEARD on the SPDIF output.

Audio Issues:

1. If you play files with HD audio tracks like Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Digital Plus, DTS-HD MA or LPCM, you’d better turn on HD Audio pass through on the setup even though you don’t have a receiver that supports decoding of these formats. Otherwise, you will hear strange noise with some repetitive popping noise. Currently, TVIX doesn’t support core decoding, if you don’t have a HD audio decoder receiver, you need to select other than above HD audio track.

2. Some of the AAC files are not being played back.

3. MP4A files are not being played back

4. For some APE and OGG files, the audio is muted

5. For MP3 files with low sampling frequency, the TVIX crashes on playback from a specified time.(GOTO playback)

6. For MP3 files with low sampling frequency, the TVIX crashes on fast forward playback

ETC Issues:

1. USB icon continues to display even after disconnecting DVD-ROM USB drive from TVIX. Then clicking on the USB icon leads to crash of TVIX.

chhanthony 發表於 2008-11-27 17:05

原帖由 LAWSON 於 2008-11-27 15:33 發表
我用緊905又唔覺D BASE時大時細
你所指既DIRECT係乜呢? DIRECT好似得2.0架喎
6500失控呢樣野,反而係套套碟都未必成功出到DTS-HD/DD TRUE HD,要用TSREUXER過過水先得,但係過水既方法又次次都唔同,有時我要攪幾次先成 ...

我發覺6500對DTS-HDMA嘅suport 係好O的
如果用原版嘅m2ts file就好好多

wil-wil 發表於 2008-11-27 18:34

雖然我無玩開你個類 Media Player,
Smilies018 Smilies018 Smilies018

原帖由 chhanthony 於 2008-11-27 17:00 發表 ...

Changes from 1.3.59

1. The crash issue found during playback of MKV files with embedded subtitle has been fixed.

2. Different audio stre ...

LAWSON 發表於 2008-11-27 19:03

原帖由 chhanthony 於 2008-11-27 17:05 發表

我發覺6500對DTS-HDMA嘅suport 係好O的
如果用原版嘅m2ts file就好好多
之前既FW就係,而家反而相反左. DTS HD有時過左水都認唔到,套歐版LEON我就投哂降了.
部6500見到係DTS HD-MA ,但係905只係出到DTS....

LAWSON 發表於 2008-11-27 19:08

點解CHHANTHONY 兄你搵到個新FW咁勁既呢Smilies018

chhanthony 發表於 2008-12-1 22:15

原帖由 LAWSON 於 2008-11-27 19:08 發表
點解CHHANTHONY 兄你搵到個新FW咁勁既呢Smilies018


1.3.65 以我嚟講都係未夠1.3.55穏定, 已經downgrade返
下面條link有好多M6500A嘅相關討論, 得閒去睇下Smilies018

LAWSON 發表於 2008-12-1 23:19

原帖由 chhanthony 於 2008-12-1 22:15 發表


1.3.65 以我嚟講都係未夠1.3.55穏定, 已經downgrade返
下面條link有好多M6500A嘅相關討論, 得閒去睇下Smilies018 ...

thank you chhanthony兄

LAWSON 發表於 2008-12-3 12:57


chhanthony 發表於 2008-12-3 17:03


LAWSON 發表於 2008-12-3 17:42

原帖由 chhanthony 於 2008-12-3 17:03 發表
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查看完整版本: Media Player:TviX專區 M-6600N: 1.9.4b4 @ P.33 (2010.1.12)

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