dick88 發表於 2016-3-1 22:17

isotek evo3 isoplug


Deploy IsoPlug around your home to stop Differential Mains noise created by personal computers, fridge freezers, microwave ovens, in fact anything with a power supply. Simply plug into wall sockets next to these appliances for immediate effect.


Removes Common Mode and Differential Mode mains noise.Shunts mains noise away from your sensitive audio components.Can be deployed next to devices that create mains noise.Useful and cost effective way to upgrade a standard mains distribution block.27,000A of instantaneous protection.LED indicator light.Available in UK, EU, US and AU versions.
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

frankielam 發表於 2016-3-2 01:01

diamondblack 發表於 2016-3-2 07:18

本帖最後由 diamondblack 於 2016-3-2 07:20 編輯

我有喺屋企周圍嘅牆蘇插EVO3 Neoplug。EVO3 Neoplug係EVO3 Isoplug嘅大佬,但唔知點解早兩年開始停產咗。
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