djaddy 發表於 2009-11-5 07:20

I tried Wavelab by itself. It clearly cannot KO cMP + cPlay + Asio. One of the reason is that despite turning off the application in Windows Task Manager, the windows shell is still running. I am still searching for ways to better config Wavelab. If any chings can help. Pls advice.

cMP - it kills the windows shell, hence, improving the windows kernel jitter. cMP shuts down a number of windows services (wireless connections & antivirus are also shutdown). This results in better sound quality.

Note: While using cMP you cannot do anything else with the PC.

eddieko530 發表於 2009-11-7 11:58

good very useful {:6_193:}

djaddy 發表於 2009-11-7 12:02

You are welcome. {:6_122:}

djaddy 發表於 2009-11-7 20:03

本帖最後由 djaddy 於 2009-11-7 20:09 編輯

I just did a quick test with Asio4all + cMP + Wavelab 6.1. I found this combo quite rich sounding. It's much better without cMP.

forumboy 發表於 2010-1-13 00:21

上網dl隻cMP 好似有木馬病毒...有無問題???

athensc 發表於 2010-1-15 10:17

小弟之前一向用開 CAS 都覺得最好既配置係 WINXP + CMP + ASIO + CPLAY 播 CUE

但剛試了最新配置 Windows 7 + wasapi + foobar v1
已經明顯好過我之前一向用開既 SETTING
之前 WINXP + Foobar 0.96 確係唔及 CPLAY / WAVELAB

但依家 Win7 + wasapi + Foobar V1.0 已更好聲又更 User friendly
有 Windows 7 既師兄可以試下 {:1_351:}

djaddy 發表於 2010-1-15 10:24

小弟之前一向用開 CAS 都覺得最好既配置係 WINXP + CMP + ASIO + CPLAY 播 CUE

但剛試了最新配置 Windows 7 + wasapi + foobar v1
已經明顯好過我之前一向用開既 SETTING
之前 WINXP + Foobar 0.96 確係唔及 CPLAY ...
athensc 發表於 2010-1-15 10:17

Thx for the update. I will give it a try this weekend. Thx!
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