香港好少地方有Cyrus 機賣?
忽然發覺香港原來真的好似無咩地方有Cyrus 機賣???行左好多地方 又問過代理, 都只是得兩家有. 而MK的一家我好似都未見過有show 出來. 得原X 叫做擺下.
定香港好少人用Cyrus 機? 的確少見咗好多,5/6年前好易揾。
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 豐澤好易揾{:1_340:} HD_2 發表於 2016-2-27 01:10 static/image/common/back.gif
我老豆廿幾年前都係在豐澤買Cyrus 2 {:6_138:} cyrus機我試聽過一次,聽左一陣就停左,d聲非常digital, 好乾,我完全唔會考慮
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) ibo 發表於 2016-2-27 00:45 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
我都唔知發生咩事, 近幾年Cyrus 真係少左好多.
反而大量Naim 機出現, sales 也有少少hard sell 當中英國聲. {:6_141:}
神風怪盜kid 發表於 2016-2-27 07:00 static/image/common/back.gif
cyrus機我試聽過一次,聽左一陣就停左,d聲非常digital, 好乾,我完全唔會考慮
(Post76 Android 手機版送出 ...
我都想問問Cyrus是否行class D的?咁細個機箱! chopinlau 發表於 2016-2-27 10:57 static/image/common/back.gif
我都想問問Cyrus是否行class D的?咁細個機箱!
以前是AB, 依我知至少去到Cyrus 8vs 的一代都仲係
最近改成 Hybrid Class D, 佢地甘寫:
Until recently Cyrus had considered Class D topologies to lack the performance required for our high-end audio amplifiers. However there are many potential acoustic benefits and so following a research project, Cyrus has developed several solutions that solve barriers to Class D’s successful use. Our development of S.I.D. (Speaker Impedance Detection) means that we can automatically analyse the impedance of the connected speaker (and cable) and adjusts the Class D amplifier to accurately match the consumer’s specific loudspeakers. S.I.D. is just one of a suite of solutions that allow this valuable technology to become an exciting amplifier opportunity.
仲有一份技術書 :
Cambridge Audio 幾K入門int amp都比佢好,