nellwill 發表於 2016-2-24 22:20



爆米花 Popcorn Hour VTEN 前後發布了合共 9個 BETA Firmware 和 RC Firmware,今天終於發布正式版,版本說明長過阿婆條紮腳布,

Firmware 01-04-160219-25-POP

nellwill 發表於 2016-2-24 22:49


Release Notes:
- fixed some MKV need long buffering time when reading file issue
- 修復讀取某些MKV文件需要長時間緩沖的問題
- fixed certain APE file playback cause framework crash due to big tag size issue
- 修復某些標簽比較大的APE文件播放時導致系統崩潰的問題
- fixed some DFF files detection issue
- 修復檢測DFF類型文件的問題
- fixed some MKV embedded text subtitle with zlib compression unable to show correctly issue
- 修復壹些內置使用zlib壓縮的字幕的MKV無法正常顯示的問題
- fixed DSF Stereo Left and Right channels being swapped issue
- 修復DSF聲音左右顛倒的問題
- fixed DSF and WAV (PCM) multichannel output to wrong channels issue
- 修復DSF和WAV(PCM)多聲道輸播放時輸出聲音錯誤的問題
- fixed 3D text subtitle with italic tag unable to display correctly issue
- 修復3D文本字幕中有斜體標簽時顯示錯誤的問題
- fixed 3D text subtitle unable to display correctly with non 16:9 video resolution issue
- 修復3D文本字幕在非16:9分辨率時無法正確顯示的問題
- fixed setup zoom option do not take effect issue
- 修復設置中放大選項不起效果的問題
- fixed sdecoder causing crash on certain condition issue
- 修復特定情況下解碼器導致崩潰的問題
- fixed some Youtube video playback issue
- 修復某些Youtube視頻播放的問題
- added support for gap-less DSD playback.
- 增加支持DSD的無縫播放
- fixed SACD seeking wrong position issue
- 修復SCAD查尋到錯誤位置的問題
- fixed SACD unable to repeat playback issue
- 修復SCAD無法重復播放的問題
- fixed unable to play SACD when select play now on Add To Queue popup box issue
- 修復無法在添加到播放列表彈出框中選擇立即播放時無法播放SCAD的問題
- fixed some SACD unable to auto stop playback at the end of last track
- 修復某些SCAD在最後壹個音軌播放完後無法自動停止的問題
- fixed unable to playback unencrypted H.265 TS that being flagged as encrypted issue
- 修復無法播放那些被標記為加密的而實際為未加密的H.265文件
- added 3D subtitle, SSA, ASS, VOBSUB support for BDISO or BDMV external subtitle
- 增加支持BDISO/BDMV外掛字幕的3D顯示
- improved the performance of DSD and SACD playback
- 改進DSD和SCAD的播放性能
- fixed BDISO or BDMV external subtitle unable to set color, fontsize and position issue
- 修復BDISO/BDMV外掛字幕無法設置顏色,字體大小和位置的問題
- fixed set 3DTAB and 3DSBS on the fly unable to show 3D subtitles issue
- 修復播放過程中3D上下格式和3D左右格式時3D字幕無法顯示的問題
- fixed 3DTAB 3D subtitle did not render properly issue
- 修復3D上下格式的字幕無法正確顯示的問題
- fixed unable to display 3D subtitle for ssif or m2ts single file playback
- 修復單個播放ssif/m2ts時無法顯示3D字幕的問題
- separate the bookmark storage from settings storage
- 把書簽的存儲從設置的存儲區中獨立出來
- support 3D subtitle
- 支持3D字幕
- fixed unable to browse NFS servers without SAMBA Master Browser issue
- 修復在沒有SAMBA主瀏覽器的情況下無法瀏覽NFS服務器的問題
- fixed SSA or ASS subtitles unable to render correctly with margin tag
- 修復SSA/ASS字幕中margin標簽無法正確渲染的問題
- fixed some Netstream video hang at certain point during playback
- 修復壹些網絡流媒體在播放到特定點時卡死的問題
- hide color, fontsize and position setting sub-menu, except for SRT, SMI, SUB
- 除了SRT, SMI, SUB字幕,不允許用戶自定義設置的字幕隱藏顏色、字體大小和位置的設置子菜單
- fixed subtitle panel sometimes get corrupted image issue
- 修復字幕面板有時顯示錯亂的問題
- fixed MPEG2 video will have corrupted image noise when PGS subtitle and info bar are turn on
- 修復PGS字幕的MPEG2視頻播放打開信息顯示欄後顯示雜亂的問題
- fixed highlight missing after return to listing when play SACD ISO file
- 修復返回SACD ISO播放時丟失高亮的問題
- fixed some SRT show as relative to movie height instead of screen
- 修復有些SRT字幕顯示位置為相對電影分辨率的高度而不是屏幕的高度
- fixed DTS 44.1 KHz audio clips passthrough output as 48 KHz and play faster issue
- 修復DTS 44.1KHZ音頻文件直通時輸出為48KHz並播放變快的問題
- fixed big gap between subtitle italic style text characters
- 修復字幕中的斜體部分文本空隙過大的問題
- show audio title and language together on MKV menu
- 在MKV菜單中同意顯示音軌標題和語言
- fixed BDISO allow 3D format setting when playback on 2D TV issue
- 修復在2D電視上播放BDISO文件時能進行3D設置的問題
- fixed text subtitles encounter overlap issues when two or more subtitles have same timestamps
- 修復同壹時間軸的多條字幕在顯示時重疊的問題
- fixed TIFF crashed due to memory leak after several slideshow playback
- 修复在多次幻灯放映TIFF图片后因内存泄漏导致系统崩溃的问题
- fixed unable to copy file to folder created from File Operation (inside NMT HDD, copy through Samba)
- 修复无法在将文件复制到在文件操作界面中创建的文件夹中的问题
- fixed text base subtitle rendering being truncated slightly issue
- 修复文本字幕在显示时被轻微截断的问题
- fixed sometimes crash when stop playback (SSA or ASS subtitle is on)
- 修复有时停止播放时的崩溃问题(SSA/ASS字幕打开的情况下
- fixed some SSA text top area small portion get truncated issue
- 修复有时时SSA字幕顶部区域有一小部分被截断的问题
- fixed UTF16 text subtitle sometimes dropping issue
- 修复UTF16文件字幕有时掉字幕的问题
- fixed certain SRT which contain SSA tag, show at wrong position issue
- 修复某些包括SSA标签的SRT字幕显示位置错误的问题
- fixed some SRT unable to show when there is an empty line between time stamp and text issue
- 修复有些SRT的字幕的时间轴和字幕文本间有空行时无法显示的问题
- support switching 3D format on the fly feature, press SETUP key during playback to access 3D Format options
- 支持播放過程中切換3D格式,在播放過程中按SETUP鍵來訪問3D格式設置選項
- support MVC MKV (specified .3DFP in file name for auto switching to 3D)
- 支持MVC MKV(在文件名中加入.3DPP可以自動切換到3D)[文件名abc.mkv 改為   abc.3DPP.mkv 的話,就自動3D模式播放了]。
- fixed some SSA or ASS subtitle display incorrect style issue
- 修復某些SSA或ASS字幕樣式顯示錯誤的問題
- fixed some SSA or ASS subtitle file get wrong subtitle resolution issue
- 修復SSA和ASS字幕使用錯誤的字幕分辨率的問題
- fixed some SSA or ASS style effect causing video under-run issue
- 修復某些SSA和ASS字幕效果導致視頻緩沖區不足的問題
- fixed VC1 video causing corrupted image when both PGS subtitle and info bar turn on issue
- 修復VC1視頻在PGS字幕和信息欄打開時顯示錯亂的問題
- improved all the text base subtitle rendering quality
- 改進所有基於文本的字幕渲染質量
- fixed green or pink color screen shown during start or stop 3D files playback if Color Space is set to sRGB issue
- 修復在播放或停止3D視頻時如果色彩空間設置為sRGB會出現綠屏或粉屏的問題
- added UTF16 support for SMI subtitle
- 對SMI字幕增加UTF16字符集支持
- added subtitle style support for SSA or ASS subtitle
- 對SSA/AAS字幕增加效果支持
- added MT7610U 802.11ac driver support
- 增加MT7610U 802.11ac的驅動支持
- improved NTFS Write performance about 4X
- 提高了約4倍NTFS寫性能
- improved uPnP renderer functionality and added FLAC and DSD support (Tested with BubbleUPnP)
- 增強uPnP渲染功能和增加FLAC和DSD的支持
- fixed some HEVC seeking causing crash issue
- 修復某些HEVC在搜索時導致崩潰的問題
- fixed some HEVC not able to playback issue
- 修復壹些HEVC無法播放的問題
- fixed unable to playback MKV with more than 32 tracks issue
- 修復MKV文件多少32個軌道時無法播放的問題
- forced HDMI output to 8 bits color for 1080P or 720P or 1080i output
- 強制HDMI在1080P,720P和1080i時輸出8bit色彩
- fixed sRGB Color Space setting does not take effect and always use YCbCr (AUTO) issue,
- 修復sRGB色彩設置不起作用始終使用YCbCr(Auto)的問題

Note: Please reset to factory default after update to this firmware

臭鼬鼠 發表於 2016-2-29 19:54

本帖最後由 臭鼬鼠 於 2016-2-29 19:56 編輯

更新完Firmware 01-04-160219-25-POP 之後
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查看完整版本: 爆米花新固件,經過九重天,今天終於來了

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