WCHK 發表於 2016-2-20 13:34

CD transport

請問純CD盤後面註明 control bus 及 lR 的插頭有什麽用?

sodiumyung 發表於 2016-2-20 14:06

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

xerxeshowie 發表於 2016-2-20 14:28

From CA CXC Manual (For Multi-Room System Use ! )

3. Control bus

In – An RCA phono socket that enables un-modulated commands from multirooms
systems or other components to be received by the CXC.

Out – An RCA phono socket that provides control bus output commands for
further downstream units.

4. IR (Infra Red) In

A 3.5mm mini-jack socket that enables modulated IR commands from multiroom
or IR repeater systems to be received by the CXC.

***Custom installation (C.I.) use Technical specifications


The CXC feature a Control Bus input/output that allow un-modulated remote
control commands (positive logic, TTL level) to be received electrically by
the unit and looped to another unit if desired. These control commands are
typically generated by custom installation (multi-room) systems or remote IR
receiver systems. The Control Bus sockets are colour-coded orange.
An IR Emitter Input is also provided that allows modulated IR remote control
commands to be received electrically by the unit. Commands on this input
operate the unit only and are not looped out demodulated on the Control Bus

In addition the units feature ‘direct’ IR/Control codes as well as toggle
codes for some of their features to simplify programming custom installation
systems. Special direct On/Off commands can be accessed on the supplied
remote control for teaching into C.I. systems or learning remotes as follows:

1. To send a discrete Power On command, press down the skip back button
and the power toggle button.

2. To send a discrete Power Off command, press down the skip forward
button and the power toggle button.

A full code table for this product is available on the Cambridge Audio website
at www.cambridge-audio.com.

WCHK 發表於 2016-2-20 14:47

多謝大家, 似乎一般家居用唔著
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