psb 發表於 2016-2-17 22:20

Belinda Carlisle CD Singles 1986-2014 Boxset

頭先啱啱在網上睇到呢盒套裝, 相信Belinda Carlisle迷應該唔會錯過, 呢套CD Singles Boxset 肯定係好難得嘅珍藏極品, 集齊佢所有大碟嘅單曲CD maxi-singles。有齊佢大碟CD同Greatest Hits - Collector's Edition with bonus remixes CD 嘅小弟, 應該唔會買了, 留給有緣人啦...{:1_352:}

Belinda Carlisle is responsible for some of the best pop singles ever, from global number 1 hit “Heaven Is A Place On Earth” to “Live Your Life Be Free”, via “Circle In The Sand”, “Leave A Light On” and “(We Want) The Same Thing”. On 29 CD singles in individual card sleeves, this beautiful box set gathers up the various b-sides and additional mixes that were issued across the different formats of the singles released in the US and UK. The bonus disc (CD 29) includes two extra mixes, two promo edits and the film soundtrack song “In My Wildest Dreams”. Also included is a 24 page booklet.

Disc: 1
1. Mad About You single mix
2. Mad About You extended mix
3. Mad About You instrumental mix
4. I Never Wanted A Rich Man

Disc: 2
1. I Feel The Magic
2. From The Heart
3. Gotta Get To You

Disc: 3
1. Band Of Gold single mix
2. Band Of Gold extended mix
3. Band Of Gold dub mix
4. From The Heart

Disc: 4
1. Heaven Is A Place On Earth single mix
2. Heaven Is A Place On Earth album version
3. Heaven Is A Place On Earth Heavenly Version
4. Heaven Is A Place On Earth Down To Earth Dub
5. Heaven Is A Place On Earth a cappella (The Voice)
6. We Can Change

Disc: 5
1. I Get Weak 7" version
2. I Get Weak album version
3. I Get Weak 12" version
4. I Get Weak instrumental
5. I Get Weak US 7"" mix
6. Should I Let You In

Disc: 6
1. Circle In The Sand 7" version
2. Circle In The Sand Seaside Mood Groove Mix
3. Circle In The Sand Beach Party Mix
4. Circle In The Sand Sandblast Multi - Mix

Disc: 7
1. I Feel Free 7" version
2. I Feel Free extended version
3. I Feel Free dub

Disc: 8
1. World Without You 7" remix
2. World Without You extended worldwide mix
3. World Without You Panavision Mix
4. Nobody Owns Me

Disc: 9
1. Love Never Dies single version
2. Love Never Dies full length version
3. I Feel Free
4. Circle In The Sand
5. Heaven Is A Place On Earth

Disc: 10
1. Leave A Light On 7" version
2. Leave A Light On extended mix
3. Shades Of Michelangelo

Disc: 11
1. La Luna 7" version
2. La Luna album version
3. La Luna extended dance mix
4. La Luna 12" dub mix
5. La Luna A Capella
6. Whatever It Takes
7. Leave A Light On

Disc: 12
1. Runaway Horses single version
2. Runaway Horses album version
3. Heaven Is A Place On Earth
4. Circle In The Sand

Disc: 13
1. Vision Of You 7" version
2. Leave A Light On
3. I Feel Free

Disc: 14
1. (We Want) The Same Thing Summer remix
2. (We Want) The Same Thing extended Summer remix
3. Shades Of Michelangelo
4. Circle In The Sand

Disc: 15
1. Summer Rain 7" edit
2. Summer Rain album version
3. Summer Rain extended version
4. Summer Rain dub mix
5. Summer Rain Justin Strauss radio edit
6. Leave A Light On

Disc: 16
1. Vision Of You (Remix '91)
2. original 7" version
3. Heaven Is A Place On Earth

Disc: 17
1. Live Your Life Be Free single version
2. Live Your Life Be Free LP version
3. Live Your Life Be Free Club Mix
4. Loneliness Game

Disc: 18
1. Do You Feel Like I Feel single version
2. Do You Feel Like I Feel album version
3. Do You Feel Like I Feel dance mix
4. World Of Love
5. Live Your Life Be Free

Disc: 19
1. Half The World
2. Only A Dream
3. Live Your Life Be Free
4. Vision Of You (Remix '91)
5. Circle In The Sand
6. Love Never Dies

Disc: 20
1. Little Black Book
2. Little Black Mix
3. Belinda's In The House Mix
4. The Air You Breathe
5. Only A Dream

Disc: 21
1. Big Scary Animal
2. Windows Of The World
3. Change
4. Too Much Water

Disc: 22
1. Lay Down Your Arms single edit
2. Tell Me
3. Wrap My Arms
4. Here Comes My Baby

Disc: 23
1. In Too Deep
2. I See No Ships
3. Jealous Guy
4. (We Want) The Same Thing

Disc: 24
1. Always Breaking My Heart
2. Love Walks In
3. Ballad Of Lucy Jordan
4. Heaven Is A Place On Earth
5. Circle In The Sand
6. I Get Weak

Disc: 25
1. Love In The Key Of C
2. Kneel At Your Feet
3. In Too Deep
4. Circle In The Sand
5. Too Much Water
6. Whatcha Doin' To Me
7. Don't Cry

Disc: 26
1. California
2. Leave A Light On
3. Live Your Life Be Free
4. Heaven Is A Place On Earth
5. Big Scary Animal
6. I Get Weak
7. In Too Deep

Disc: 27
1. All God's Children edit
2. All God's Children full version
3. Runaway Horses
4. Only A Dream

Disc: 28
1. Sun edit
2. Sun original version
3. Goodbye Just Go

Disc: 29
1. Live Your Life Be Free
2. Do You Feel Like I Feel
3. A Prayer For Everyone
4. I Still Love Him
5. In My Wildest Dreams

almostdie 發表於 2016-2-17 22:34

師兄,我突然間耳邊響起 circle in the sand……round and round……{:6_127:}

psb 發表於 2016-2-17 22:40

本帖最後由 psb 於 2016-2-17 23:14 編輯

almostdie 發表於 2016-2-17 22:34 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄,我突然間耳邊響起 circle in the sand……round and round……

師兄, 單曲CD single嘅兩首加長版音樂同海浪聲仲正呀, 特別係Beach Party Mix中間果段長音樂/不同嘅結他聲好鬼迷人{:6_157:}:

psb 發表於 2016-2-17 22:54

本帖最後由 psb 於 2016-2-17 23:02 編輯

World Without You (Extended Worldwide Mix){:1_351:} 加長同仔細咗好多, 中間果段長音樂好靚...{:6_127:}

takeishi 發表於 2016-2-18 12:50

HALF OF WORLD 我最鍾意呢隻慢歌. 亦係我唯一買佢既一張SINGLE

psb 發表於 2016-2-18 13:43

本帖最後由 psb 於 2016-2-20 16:18 編輯

真係唔知原来Love Never Dies曾經出過單曲single,Heaven On Earth 大碟裡最後一首歌,音樂好靚好感人嘅一首,好想聽下full length version 係點嘅...首歌中段同尾段D音樂好靚{:6_122:}

psb 發表於 2016-2-18 20:18

本帖最後由 psb 於 2016-2-18 20:45 編輯

takeishi 發表於 2016-2-18 12:50 static/image/common/back.gif
HALF OF WORLD 我最鍾意呢隻慢歌. 亦係我唯一買佢既一張SINGLE

{:1_351:} 呢首情歌好正呀,"Live Your Life Be Free"大碟裡最正最靚嘅一首,100%主打single 材料,比較新嘅一首, 少D人留意... 又係小弟其中一首 favourite心水歌之一{:1_338:}...Belinda Carlisle嘅音樂pop得嚟真係好靚好藝術{:6_122:}, 一聽就知係佢,小弟覺得佢係pop music 最靚最藝術嘅代表, 首首歌都好靚有濃厚藝術色彩,特別係D結他同弦{:1_338:}...

文次郎 發表於 2016-2-19 19:03

最正嗰首 I Get Weak

psb 發表於 2016-2-20 15:54

本帖最後由 psb 於 2016-2-20 16:18 編輯

文次郎 發表於 2016-2-19 19:03 static/image/common/back.gif
最正嗰首 I Get Weak

{:1_351:} I Get Weak, 當年英美其中一首好hit嘅單曲。
可能人漸漸大了, 小弟而家反而醉心佢果D好藝術同音樂化嘅抒情歌。"Shades Of Michaelangelo", Runaway Horses 大碟內最後一首歌, 對小弟來講係 "Love Never Dies" 音樂嘅延續, 第二集, 兩首同樣放在大碟嘅最後一首歌。兩首都好長青, 聽咗都有20幾年時光了{:6_123:},同"Love Never Dies"一樣, 兩首歌中段同尾段D音樂好靚好靚好靚 ......

psb 發表於 2016-2-23 20:42

Runaway Horses,呢隻Virgin/EMI大碟點可以冇?"Vision Of You", 首歌在YouTube 3:05 分鐘嘅中段音樂同尾段嘅編曲, 係唔係用電子合成器製造出嚟嘅效果?已經唔重要...靚{:6_122:}。
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