xerxeshowie 發表於 2016-2-16 14:20

至今仍難以超越的經典夢幻名機:丹麥 Dynaudio的 Arbiter : )

至今仍難以超越的經典夢幻名機:丹麥 Dynaudio的 Arbiter : ){:6_159:}

丹麥 Dynaudio的 Arbiter前級加單聲道 Arbiter後級擴音器,每套300萬元HKD

From Dynaudio Facebook:

Did you know it took a speaker manufacturer to produce the best amplifier in the world?

USD $240,000 Dynaudio Arbiter monoblock amps

Originally, we developed the Arbiter for internal use only; however, the interest was overwhelming for this magnificent amplifier, and because of this, we decided to produce a limited batch of 50 complete sets.

The Arbiter was, and still is, unlike anything else on the market. With its battery-powered design, over 1.000-watt output power, a bandwidth from nearly DC to 300 kHz, and probably the most elaborate volume control ever created, the Arbiter still ranks among the very best even 20 years after its birth.

Lesser known Dynaudio Arbiter power amplifiers was a special Dynaudio project. They were build as reference and used while designing and testing their upcoming speakers. They were designed as a character less cost no object amplifiers with the retail price of $240,000. Dynaudio managed to release only 30 pairs.


Effective Output: 620W (8Ω), 1072W (4Ω), 1670W (2Ω)
Frequency response: 0.3Hz-300kHz (-3dB)
THD levels: less than 0.005% (8Ω)
S / N ratio: 103dB or more
Input Impedance: 2000Ω
Input Sensivity 2,25V, 6,75V
Damping Factor: 1000 or more (Output 1), 40 or more (output 2)
Power consumption: 120W, 2000W (Max)
Size (WHD): 27.5 × 80 × 67cm
Weight: 140kg each

Output level (maximum): 17V (Balanced), 8.5V (unbalanced)
Frequency: 5Hz-100kHz (± 0.1dB)
THD level (maximum output): less than 0.005%
S / N ratio: 128dB or more (line), 78dB or more (Phono)
Crosstalk:-127dB (100Hz),-110dB (1kHz),-92dB (10kHz)
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