<這個殺手不太冷>LEON :美版 Blu-ray"(實物圖)"
本帖最後由 Tomotoshi 於 2010-9-26 12:24 編輯今日剛剛新鮮入手,冇中文字幕。今次SONY美版有DTS-HD 5.1,因為法版只係 DTS-HD 5.0。
隻碟有兩個版本 1) Theatrical Version & 2) Extended Version
P.S. 隻碟係 Made in USA 希望D聲正D就好! 聲畫幾多分?
始終都有D 年份~ 可惜冇中字{:6_146:} Theatrical Version: 109 mins
Extended Version: 133 mins
Is there an uncut version about 3 hours long? It's a great movie!!!! {:6_157:} Movie : 1) 1:49:27 mins(Theatrical Version)
2) 2:12:52 mins(Extended Version)
Picture quality : 8.3/10
Sound quality: 8.5/10 (真係勁過日版DVD好多)
* It's a MUST BUY item! {:6_235:}
* It's a MUST BUY item! ...
Tomotoshi 發表於 2-11-2009 19:25 http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
可惜又無中字呢......{:6_150:} is it better than the german steelbook and france "paper" digipack ver? 小的十大!{:1_351:}{:1_351:}{:1_351:}{:1_351:}{:1_351:} is it better than the german steelbook and france "paper" digipack ver?
ajnakata 發表於 2009-11-2 07:31 PM http://www.post76.com/discuss/images/common/back.gif
As I know both of them are DTS-HD 5.0 only but this is DTS-HD 5.1 {:6_182:}