有冇師兄用過衣款天線? 同傳統果隻比較效果如何?I am using this cable to replace the traditional one.
I tested and found out there are more details for dark layers and softer in general.
It is not expensive and recommended .
{:1_351:} Lolofi 發表於 2016-2-2 16:59 static/image/common/back.gif
I am using this cable to replace the traditional one.
I tested and found out there are more details...
how much ? where did you bought? Please PM. Thanks! 鴨記大把 nippon 發表於 2016-2-2 17:05 static/image/common/back.gif
how much ? where did you bought? Please PM. Thanks!
我係灣仔298買, 好平....
淘寶仲平 $30雞線
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) Not good ,use diy Aq is Better.{:8_403:} 主要改善係因為用咗 F 頭,對數碼廣播有幫助。
大廈天線用系統用緊幾毫子一呎既 RG6,著眼點應該放響插座同接頭,吾好徙 d 無謂錢買靚線。(有錢人例外) 路西法 發表於 2016-2-4 17:34 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄高抬貴手唔好洗版 其實都唔差........................我都用左兩年