Panasonic DX900 4K LED TV
今年機皇應該係呢部, 媲美廿幾萬既Sony Professional OLED{:1_328:}
The demonstration itself started with HDR footage of a firework display at night and it's a credit to Panasonic that they were prepared to use such challenging material to show the full capabilities of the DX902. Although there was a tiny bit of haloing it was barely noticeable, and there was almost no difference between the DX902 and the OLED monitors, aside from the blacks being a shade darker on the OLEDs.
Just comparing the SDR to the HDR version showed the true potential of increasing the dynamic range of an image. The DX902 held up extremely well against the £30,000 professional OLED monitor, with the two looking very similar and again only the OLED's slight edge with blacks showing through. The same was true with the colour accuracy and again, there was very little difference between the professional monitor and the DX902, which is incredible when you consider the price differential. 師兄可否告知幾時會推出 大約幾多錢 港幣
我英文有限呀 thank you kuushun 發表於 2016-1-28 16:47 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄可否告知幾時會推出 大約幾多錢 港幣
我英文有限呀 thank you
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 中低階Model搶先開賣:
DX600, DX750, 日本2月19日開賣: 希望快d出 謝謝 師兄 香港通常都唔會出最高階 rwmchan 發表於 2016-1-29 09:02 static/image/common/back.gif
AX800, AX900都有出, CX800就冇出, 今年希望出DX900{:1_255:} frankiepoon 發表於 2016-1-29 11:22 static/image/common/back.gif
AX800, AX900都有出, CX800就冇出, 今年希望出DX900
DX900 會返
反而唔返800/850................ knul 發表於 2016-2-2 11:11 static/image/common/back.gif
DX900 會返
內部消息? {:1_253:} 如果真係會出 就真係開心啦