takeishi 發表於 2019-3-29 11:59

Aeonflux 發表於 2019-3-29 00:59
有冇人今晚去睇pet shop boys香港演唱會 ?

{:12_727:}禽晚演唱會...好精彩, 只係時間短左小小. 岩岩好個咩鍾.
D相唔係我影架. 我只係買1088飛. 無佢咁前. 晌Facebook度搵架.

psb 發表於 2019-3-29 12:06

takeishi 發表於 2019-3-29 11:59
禽晚演唱會...好精彩, 只係時間短左小小. 岩岩好個咩鍾.
D相唔係我影架. 我只係買1088飛....

好神奇,我正話講起你,即刻你就出現{:1_329:}!知你有去嘅 .....點解唔影啲相留念呀{:6_149:}?有冇見到達明一派明哥黃耀明?佢都係 super fan 嚟㗎 !

psb 發表於 2019-3-29 14:19

本帖最後由 psb 於 2019-3-29 14:56 編輯

takeishi 發表於 2019-3-29 11:59
禽晚演唱會...好精彩, 只係時間短左小小. 岩岩好個咩鍾.
D相唔係我影架. 我只係買1088飛....

如無意外,估計 Pet Shop Boys 現場應該有唱新歌 "What Are We Gonna Do About The Rich" ,因為首歌刻意提到香港占領中環雨傘運動{:6_212:} 。 時間過得好快,30年了,當年天安門事 Pet Shop Boys 第一次嚟香港演唱會(下圖.... 點解 Chris Lowe 咁似謝霆鋒?{:1_253:} ),直到今次演唱會又係雨傘運動有關.....
下面係2019香港演唱會兩位 fans 嘅相,個 cap 好靚{:1_338:}

How Pet Shop Boys' story links to Hong Kong, from Tiananmen protest to "umbrella movement"

The band visited the city for the first stop of their first ever tour weeks after the bloody Tiananmen Square crackdown on June 4, 1989
Twenty-five years later they played on the night the Occupy Central protests kicked off. Now they're back with a new song name-checking the city

Though literally half a world away from the hi-fi shop on London's King's Road where Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe met in their 20s, Hong Kong has emerged as one of the more surprising running themes of the seminal synth-pop duo's near-40-year career. It even gets a name-check on their latest EP.

The band's appearances in Hong Kong have unwittingly aligned with some of the most tumultuous periods of the region's recent history. The first time they visited was soon after the bloody crackdown on student-led protests in Beijing's Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989. They returned a quarter of a century later to perform on the evening that the Occupy Central protests officially kicked off in September 2014.

This week, 30 years after the duo first set foot on stage at the Hong Kong Coliseum, they will re-acquaint themselves with the city with a fourth concert here.

When the Pet Shop Boys arrived in Hong Kong on the first stop of their inaugural tour, three weeks after the Tiananmen incident, the city was in mourning.

Andrew Bull, the Hong Kong promoter who booked the band, had a big decision on his hands. The Pet Shop Boys were one of the city's most popular international acts, bolstered by the global success of two albums and having cemented themselves as one of the decade's defining groups. Securing them at a time when Hong Kong was largely off the map for big musical acts had been a boon for Bull.

"It was a period of sombre reflection in the city,” Bull says on the phone from Shanghai, where he relocated in the early 2000s." Hong Kong was in a state of total devastation.”

In a nod to the city's significance to the band, Hong Kong is name-checked on the band's latest EP,"Agenda",a quartet of reactive tracks that shine a critical light on themes including the growing divide between rich and poor, social media addiction, the refugee crisis in Europe, and the dumbing down of global politics.
In a press note, Tennant says the EP features "three satirical songs and one rather sad song – but they all have, broadly speaking, political themes. I think it's because of the times we're living through.”

On track three, What Are We Going to Do About the Rich?, Tennant sings: "They say democracy is simply very bad for business/ While deploring student protests in the middle of Hong Kong.” It was an image held in the singer's mind since September 2014, when the group were confronted by the civil unrest of Occupy Central (also known later as the "umbrella movement"), which saw thousands protesting against Beijing's plan to pre-screen candidates in a forthcoming election for the semi-autonomous city's leader.

"I thought it was good what were doing. It was very brave,” Tennant explains over the phone from his home in the British capital. “After we returned to London, I started to think about this lyric and then it turned into the starting point for this song.”

"The mock protest song", according to the band, lances the tax-dodging super-rich who buy media companies and football clubs "with absolute impunity" while "only giving to charity for maximum publicity".

Though accustomed to a degree of controversy stemming from their music, the band were surprised by the attention"Agenda" received.

"Some people have taken the songs more seriously than we intended,” Tennant says. " There's a certain exaggeration with satire; it’s like drawing a cartoon rather than painting a picture. Satire is meant to be funny and pertinent to current events.”

Despite its occasionally clunky and heavy-handed lines, what "Agenda" lacks in lyrical finesse it makes up for in its well-timed ire. It signals a band who, in 38 years, have never been afraid to take a stand for their beliefs nor bended to the whims of the music industry by ever sounding like anyone other than themselves.

Written last November, the four songs stood out among 23 tracks Tennant says the duo wrote while working on a forthcoming full-length album – their 14th. Despite claims of being more satirical than serious, there is a cathartic and vital nature to "Agenda”that echoes some of the band’s most powerful songs from years past.

One of their first hits, Opportunities (Let's Make Lots of Money) from 1986, poured scorn on what Tennant describes as"the money-based culture" emerging at the time. Their second album"Actually" featured Shopping and King's Cross, which expressed discontentment with the government of Margaret Thatcher, the British prime minister at the time.
Over the years, the band would go on to deride George W. Bush and former British prime minister Tony Blair with subtly poised tracks such as I’m With Stupid, where the "special relationship" between the two leaders is lampooned in the guise of a love song.

Tennant and Lowe have continually mastered the art of the musical Trojan horse: delivering hard-hitting themes within perfectly formed pop packages, shifting mindsets by virtue of their songs' singalong nature. "Pop music is always better when it deals with creating the context for change rather than setting out the terms for change," Tennant says.

"These songs aren't saying anything positive – they're lighthearted criticism in a very danceable way with strong melodies," he adds. "When you write lyrics, you spend a lot of time reacting to what's going on around you, day-to-day politics is too boring for pop music. You can make records that turn out to be political, without even planning for to be. That's the genius of pop music.”

As the duo sang on It's Alright, a single released in June 1989, "I think it's gonna be alright/ 'cause the music plays forever.” Politics still roil Hong Kong, and the city has not yet legalised same-sex marriage. But in terms of progress over the years, that uncensored video certainly did the city no harm.

Pet Shop Boys will perform at AsiaWorld-Expo on Thursday, March 28. Tickets from HK$588 at HKTicketing.com

takeishi 發表於 2019-3-29 15:42

psb 發表於 2019-3-29 14:19
如無意外,估計 Pet Shop Boys 現場應該有唱新歌 "What Are We Gonna Do About The Rich" ,因為首歌刻 ...

{:12_722:}佢未見到明哥囉~我見唔到呀. 我位置晌MIXER旁邊.
我第一次睇演唱會係咩野紀念品都無買到架昨. 佢張親筆簽名海報. 9百蚊. 頂帽3百蚊. T-SHIRT 3百蚊.
本來想買件T開心下啦. 點知. 去到黑色白色. 只係得番XL碼. 我點著呀咁大件. 最後~咩都唔買. 慳番.

psb 發表於 2019-3-29 16:19

本帖最後由 psb 於 2019-3-29 23:50 編輯

takeishi 發表於 2019-3-29 15:42
佢未見到明哥囉~我見唔到呀. 我位置晌MIXER旁邊.
我第一次睇演唱會係咩野紀念品都無買到架昨 ...

都話明哥黃耀明係 Pet Shop Boys 嘅 super fan 啦{:6_174:},睇佢件 T-shirt 就知。達明一派同佢個人大碟都好重 Pet Shop Boys 電子味道,仲有 "rock mui" 盧凱彤都係,可惜她已經離去.......而家買T shirt 我最多係 L size...有時 M 都 OK 囉....{:1_328:}

Grandmaster 發表於 2019-3-30 00:15

takeishi 發表於 2019-3-29 15:42
佢未見到明哥囉~我見唔到呀. 我位置晌MIXER旁邊.
我第一次睇演唱會係咩野紀念品都無買到架昨 ...

那个橙色帽子看来还蛮潮,哈哈我确实爱戴帽子的 !

psb 發表於 2019-4-9 10:56

本帖最後由 psb 於 2019-4-9 11:20 編輯

Agenda 相關 merchandise .... 隻 Agenda CD 等到頸都長,終於近了,好興奮{:1_338:}

takeishi 發表於 2019-4-9 13:57

psb 發表於 2019-4-9 10:56
Agenda 相關 merchandise .... 隻 Agenda CD 等到頸都長,終於近了,好興奮

星期五準時出去買番張. 順便睇下 RECORD STORE DAY 既碟會唔會星期5到.

Aeonflux 發表於 2019-4-16 12:10

psb 發表於 2019-4-9 10:56
Agenda 相關 merchandise .... 隻 Agenda CD 等到頸都長,終於近了,好興奮

我pet shop boys digitalstore訂單已寄出.

psb 發表於 2019-4-17 01:33

本帖最後由 psb 於 2019-4-17 12:50 編輯

Aeonflux 發表於 2019-4-16 12:10
我pet shop boys digitalstore訂單已寄出.

好彩師兄快手 ! Digital Stores 已經完全"sold out"{:1_329:} ! 小弟21/2/19 預訂,Digital Stores 上個禮拜9/4/19寄出,尋日15/4/19 已經到手{:1_338:},好彩及早預訂冇執輸{:6_125:} {:6_125:}

頁: 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 [22] 23 24
查看完整版本: PET SHOP BOYS 2016-17 : Super etc.

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