psb 發表於 2016-1-22 12:40

PET SHOP BOYS 2016-17 : Super etc.

本帖最後由 psb 於 2017-1-1 14:11 編輯

Pet Shop Boys will release their brand new studio album, 'Super', on April 1st. Produced and mixed by Stuart Price in Los Angeles, it features 12 new Tennant/Lowe compositions including the lead single, 'The Pop Kids’.
'Super' can be pre-ordered now from iTunes with the track ‘Inner Sanctum’ available as an immediate download. CD and vinyl formats are also available to pre-order, all from the links beneath this article.
The album track listing is as follows:

The Pop Kids
The dictator decides
Inner sanctum
Sad robot world
Say it to me
Into thin air
Pet Shop Boys will also play a four-date residency entitled Inner Sanctum, at London’s Royal Opera House on July 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd. Staged by designer Es Devlin and choreographer Lynne Page, these will be Pet Shop Boys only UK concerts this year and a fabulous opportunity to see them in an extraordinary venue.

psb 發表於 2016-1-22 15:40

已經30年了....一切由呢首single開始, 回顧。

psb 發表於 2016-1-23 11:27

本帖最後由 psb 於 2016-1-23 11:28 編輯

呢首係Super免費B-side宣傳歌free download,但唔係主打single,聽住先{:1_338:}

takeishi 發表於 2016-1-23 22:34

{:1_352:}YEAH~對於你黎講. 呢個重要過生日.

psb 發表於 2016-1-25 13:06

本帖最後由 psb 於 2016-1-25 13:43 編輯

Electric大碟真係佢哋嘅另一高峰,希望Super有延續Electric大碟嘅風格,但加D抒情藝術歌{:1_338:}, 咪好似Electric咁一味電音由頭爆到尾....Pet Shop Boys詳細訪問同全新大碟"Super"製作資訊 {:1_328:} :
"At the end of 2015 Chris Lowe and Neil Tennant answered some questions about the new album, Super, which comes three years after the brilliant success of Electric, their highest-charting album in the UK and USA for 20 years.":

psb 發表於 2016-1-25 13:23

本帖最後由 psb 於 2016-1-25 13:55 編輯

takeishi 發表於 2016-1-23 22:34 static/image/common/back.gif
YEAH~對於你黎講. 呢個重要過生日.

師兄你都係呀{:1_338:}, 80/90殿堂級英倫團隊有幾何?仲有機會買全新大碟係福份{:6_127:}, 生日可以唔記得,但今年4月1日肯定入晒腦! 入豪華日本版同搶訂限量CD single 係SOP基本程序, Chris同Neil全新創作全部12首新歌{:6_122:}

psb 發表於 2016-1-25 15:47

本帖最後由 psb 於 2016-1-25 15:59 編輯

psb 發表於 2016-1-25 13:06 static/image/common/back.gif
Electric大碟真係佢哋嘅另一高峰,希望Super有延續Electric大碟嘅風格,但加D抒情藝術歌, 咪好似E ...

訪問話到新大碟將會比Electric更加電子.....佢哋兩個好犀利{:6_123:}, 世界巡迴演唱一年期間竟然寫咗25首新歌,只有11首出現在新大碟,咁其他14首唔通用嚟做 B-side歌或者係Disco 5系列大碟?仲話到有D比較pop嘅新歌唔會放在新大碟,但將會出現在未來嘅大碟,意味著Super後,未來佢哋又會繼續出大碟{:6_134:}

".....Everything else started in November 2014. We have a little studio in Berlin that we use and we go there to write. We also have a studio in London but a lot of the time we worked in Berlin. We started going over there for two or three weeks at a time, and just writing, and over this period, which would be from November 2014 to July 2015, we wrote about 25 songs. So 11 of them are on the album....", ".....we want to make it Electric but more so”. So it was going to be even more electric than Electric. That was the idea....."

".....we’d written and made a decision to go with the more electronic/dancey ones, including darker songs, like “Sad robot world”. We had ones which were more conventionally “pop” that we decided not to put on, but maybe might be on the next album. We wanted to make an album that had a very strong electronic mood all the way through it. It felt like Electric had been a sort of “rebooting” of the Pet Shop Boys, reminding ourselves that we came into this whole thing because we liked electronic music. Until this album and the previous album we’ve never been electronic purists – there have always been other instruments and orchestras and things like that. Whereas this album and Electric are purely electronic albums....."

psb 發表於 2016-2-15 14:24

有最新update,好彩第一隻主打細碟single "The Pop Kids"仲有實體CD single 出,而且仲有多首B-sides/remixes添{:1_338:} :

“The Pop Kids”, the first single from the forthcoming Super album, will be released on March 18th on CD and digital formats. The track will also be immediately available on iTunes from February 16th to anyone who has pre-ordered the album. The CD single and digital bundle track-listing is as follows:

1. The Pop Kids (radio edit)
2. In bits
3. One-hit wonder
4. The Pop Kids (PSB deep dub)
5. The Pop Kids (The full story)

The ‘PSB deep dub’ and ‘The full story’ versions are remixes by Pet Shop Boys including additional vocals and, in the case of “The full story”, an extra verse which brings the story of the Pop Kids up to the present. “In bits” was produced and mixed by Stuart Price. “One-hit wonder” was produced by Pet Shop Boys and mixed by Pete Gleadall - it is a new version of an instrumental track written in late 1981 and remade in 2014 as the theme for Berlin’s online music show, The One-Hit Parade. This is the first time the full track has been released.
A remix of “The Pop Kids” by MK (Marc Kinchen) will also be released on digital only on March 18th. A vinyl 12” single will also follow later in March.
"The Pop Kids" will have its first play on BBC Radio 2's Ken Bruce show on Feb 16.

psb 發表於 2016-2-17 15:54

新大碟第一首single終於有得聽,講緊佢哋初出道嘅故事,節奏好啱駛{:6_136:} ,正呀{:9_420:}

psb 發表於 2016-2-18 22:11

本帖最後由 psb 於 2016-2-18 22:20 編輯

Pop Kids令小弟想起英倫女團Girls Aloud 嘅一首好超正B-side "Memory Of You",兩首歌synth line 好相似,但Girls Aloud 呢首則較超勁, 爽!!!{:8_403:} {:6_136:} :
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