edlsang 發表於 2016-1-11 21:08

歐洲 int Amp駁日本前級出 noise 一問

有無 ching 試過用歐美 INT AMP 駁日本仔 AV AMP 行 avbypass 出現 De.....De....聲 雜訊 ,

請問有何方法解決 ? !

MDLP 發表於 2016-1-11 21:18


wadee 發表於 2016-1-11 23:12


wadee 發表於 2016-1-11 23:13


edlsang 發表於 2016-1-11 23:18

wadee 發表於 2016-1-11 23:13 static/image/common/back.gif

聲関天缐乜事 ?

wadee 發表於 2016-1-11 23:20

edlsang 發表於 2016-1-11 23:18 static/image/common/back.gif
聲関天缐乜事 ?


wadee 發表於 2016-1-11 23:21

甩開bdp接int amp嘅線聽下關唔關事

edlsang 發表於 2016-1-12 00:05

wadee 發表於 2016-1-11 23:21 static/image/common/back.gif
甩開bdp接int amp嘅線聽下關唔關事

BDP 完全無接Int Amp .......{:9_436:}

squallho1 發表於 2016-1-12 09:47

多數是ground loop問題,如前面師兄講好大機會係電視天線,或者拾仔都有機會。先找出source再對症下藥,如天線就可以加ground loop isolator。

smokeyduck 發表於 2016-1-12 09:49

yes i had but not jap with euro, it was my canadian av-amp with british pre/power amp.

after tried so many different methods (disconnecting one by one) but still couldn't cure the problem.i was told by "the basement" to give the av-amp a ground when i paid a visit to them.it was because most av-amps haven't got any ground/earth.my av-amp has a grounding point so i connected it to the power cord ground/earth and magic happens.

worth a try first and probably easier than disconnecting one by one to find out
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