marantz AV7702 Or Yamaha RX-A3050
Wanna to replace my Onkyo 828 as just buy the Atmos Enable speaker for Atoms Movie ..Which Amp is better choice Marantz AV7702 Or Yamaha RX-A3050 ? Under 20K 我都有意入對反謝喇叭 !{:6_182:} Yea.. but so bad .. i just find that my Onkyo is not support Atmos .. so its time to change the AMP with Atmos support 本帖最後由 pac 於 2016-1-4 11:05 編輯
edlsang 發表於 2016-1-4 11:00 static/image/common/back.gif
我都有意入對反謝喇叭 !
英明決定,但要兩對 如果是針對音場聲效為大前提,我個人對 YAMAHA AMP 比較更有信心 {:1_249:} 7702是前級
7702 vs 5100 或者 7010 vs 3050 Oh ic..... sorry cause I really no idea but just wanna to have a better theatre feeling at home ...
My home theatre is around 200 sq ft. so I should buy a 合併 or just 前級 ? Batboy0626 發表於 2016-1-4 12:16 static/image/common/back.gif
Oh ic..... sorry cause I really no idea but just wanna to have a better theatre feeling at home ......
就買部簡單操作一件頭算 Ic... thanks so seems like Yamaha RX-A3050 is a better choice right ? or Marantz SR7010 , seems less people talk around Marantz SR7010 Why don't consider Pioneer Lx-89?