Nolan 發表於 2015-12-17 23:50


本帖最後由 Nolan 於 2015-12-18 01:27 編輯

I was fortunate enough to watch "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" on the first day of the release as I didn't have to work today.

As a loyal fan of Star Wars, I had already watched all the episodes when I was only fourteen. You think that was easy for me? No! It's certainly not! My parents always got very unique perspectives on the movies that I watch, they reckon the series is too immoral(might be they saw Anakin try to kill his master and chop his son's arm), so I rarely have a chance to watch them at home, unless they go somewhere else. That's also the reason why my childhood was thoroughly tragic.

Before watching "The Force Awakens", I thought it would be the best sequel of the year when I heard it's directed by J.J. Abrams(Mission: Impossible 3, Star Trek), I had faith in it, but lamentably, it's not what I thought, it just let me really down.

I'm aware of that many spectators pan the prequel trilogy heavily but praise the original trilogy, but that's not the way I see it. First of all, the actions of choreography did evolve substantially in the prequel trilogy, the lightsabre duels got much more spectacular and swift, unlike the orignal instalments, the cast all performed prominently. Despite the plots of "The Phantom Menace" and "Attack of the Clones" being mediocre, "Revenge of the Sith" did succeed in delivering an emotional story and a perfectly edited sword fight, it made the prequel end beautifully. Personally, I like the prequels more than the originals.

I watched "The Force Awakens" a few hours ago, I didn't fancy it, and I considered it less compelling than all the previous episodes aside from "Attack of the Clones". Why would I say that? The story telling is not innovative enough, the dialogues are a bit jumble, the screen writers merely introduced new characters and adopted the old elements from the original trilogy but didn't explain enough of why the Clones could resuscitate, where Kylo Ren's evil master comes from...there seems too many things inexplicable. And also, there's only a few action sequences, they're even toothless and poorly edited. The thing that made me vexed was, why Luke Skywalker(portrayed by Mark Hamil) only got a cameo but the actor's name was on the top list? I felt myself deluded!

Even though "The Force Awakens" is far worse than I expected, there's still something encouraging. The casting is immaculate, at least all the actors coulddeliver decent performance and there's a very touching friendship between the characters. The very last thing I wanna tell you is, if your're a great Star Wars fan like me, then go for it, at least it ain't trash!

Rating: 70/100

lw3000 發表於 2015-12-18 01:07

isquare imax 剛睇完,非常失望!如果不是starwars想信巳中途離埸{:1_336:}故事拉得太長,没有一埸戲令你會覺得振奮{:1_349:}女主角做得不錯,鏡頭攝影角度不錯{:1_253:}LUCAS真係高佢幾班!

freestylemen 發表於 2015-12-18 08:41

Oh no 仍逃不過宿命?ching咁講,導演想將風格再次重回星空奇遇,重點描述友情?期待呢個導演的或會感恩,期待電影的想必然離棄吧?執人手尾真係好難攪,跟返之前風格又無新意,攪其他又會俾人講都唔係原著,著重戰鬥又係無內涵


lamwaikit007 發表於 2015-12-18 09:14

本帖最後由 lamwaikit007 於 2015-12-18 09:16 編輯


但回想 當年 星球大戰上映時,即現在的第四集,其實都有好多迷團都冇解開到便完結。去到第五集尾段才知道 Luke 是 黑武士的兒子。去到第六集才知 莉亞 和 Luke 是 兩兄妹。


所以,呢幾年有機會重看的話,我都是 按番 次序 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3 去看 star wars。

day2013 發表於 2015-12-18 17:21

    今次用3D版係好決定,故事有追看性,希望這個後續三部曲能夠有個好劇本去完滿這個系列。另外,$55 真係抵睇,張戲飛及劃位方式令人懷念。

s1011125 發表於 2015-12-18 20:59

感覺kylo ren和dark vader不同,是個成長型boss...(另外被Bowcaster打了一槍能站起來算不錯了)
我比較在意他進dark side的原因和他背後的boss是誰
當然作為不算太合格的starwars fans,我會給100000000000000000000/10{:6_122:}

nicebeebee 發表於 2015-12-19 01:14

今集留下好多問題{:6_146:}kylo ren我一早估到佢身世,反而女主角個身份....{:6_175:}同原力好有緣的家庭.....只有skywalker......唔通佢係....

nicebeebee 發表於 2015-12-19 01:18

kylo ren....比想像中...."無用"....{:6_198:}無原力清潔員都可以傷到佢{:6_211:}.....佢只能殺害老人.....{:6_203:}

victor_wong 發表於 2015-12-19 02:06

Its a live Cartoon movie {:1_253:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

粗人敵卡 發表於 2015-12-19 21:05

故事好大程度上借鑑a new hope
福伯角色定位同Obi 一樣{:1_336:}
kylo ren壓迫感從佢除頭盔開始無哂,似前傳Darth Vader一樣
John Boyega做嘅Finn仲以為佢可以同kylo ren有得打
自己咁排star wars
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查看完整版本: 《星球大戰:原力覺醒》STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS

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