救命~只有我家 Win 10 不兼容 MacIntosh dac driver ?
昨天把 PC 從 win xp 更新 到 win 10, MA 6700 dac driver 都是 2.0 version.但問題來了, USB 線插 PC USB 3.0 只要開着 MA 6700 (沒播放歌曲),
2 分鐘左右電腦便出現 hang 機了, 不開着 MA 6700 沒事.
OK, 我把 USB 線插上 PC USB 2.0 開着 MA 6700 播放歌曲10分鐘上下就出現自動關了 player,
任何 player 試了都有這情况. 救命~ 求解決.
我發現 driver 內之 txt 說明只兼容win xp, win 7, 8, 8.1. 沒10, 但官网說有, 何解?
重裝 DRIVER 試試 本帖最後由 sodiumyung 於 2015-12-11 12:02 編輯
你個主板晶片組同音效driver update 左 win 10版未?確定最update先重裝dac driver
xp 去win10,,直接up 上去?,,最好重灌系統
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) Have you checked the event log?
To share my experience...I had problems with my Acer some time back after upgrading to Win10:
1. Disk error 15x: the machine freeze for 1 min.MS solution is to "contact hardware vendor".
2. Idle time maintenance: the machine CPU & disk go up to 100% and the application hangs.You can somehow disable it but Win10 is too smart that will re-enable it automatically very soon.
My conclusion is that Win10 is not CAS-friendly at all and so fall back to Win8.1.
1. 重裝 DRIVER萬次了
2. xp 不是上 win 10, 是換底版及加了 256 G SSD win 10.
3. win 10 unfriendly, bugs and not coordinate 是真的, 唉...垃圾! 1. 重裝 DRIVER萬次了
2. xp 不是上 win 10, 是換底版及加了 256 G SSD win 10.
3. win 10 unfriendly, bugs and not coordinate 是真的, 唉...垃圾! 太新呱,不是太支援你dac
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) win 10 的usb card driver問題。你要找回你的usb chipset window8.1 driver 更新就得。9成win10出事都係usb driver. 記住不是sound card 或dac的fever,是usb card thank you ~ everybody. 其實win10是進步了很多。你冇用過win8,當年我一上win8用左兩日,就算買了三個license都叫所有親朋唔好上win8. 這一次我用完,幫所有親朋全升級了。