SACD & K2CD audio out 選擇??
本帖最後由 damoneyin 於 2015-12-10 16:49 編輯請問各位C Hing 如果播SACD 或 K2CD , 應該用RCA 或 HDMI Audio out 去 AMP D聲會好D? 因為本人用CAM 751BD 播, 好似有獨立特別做一組 RCA audio out 的. 希望各位教下小弟, 謝謝. {:8_387:} 我都好想知{:6_195:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) Use RCA{:6_193:}
From Manual:
Separate analogue stereo (751BD only)
The analogue stereo outputs should be used for play back of CDs, DVDs
etc in stereo through a conventional amplifier or AV receiver with analogue
stereo inputs.
Analogue stereo is also usually the best connection method for listening
to CDs and other stereo discs for best possible sound quality.
It is often a good idea to connect both the analogue stereo outputs (for CD
playback) and digital audio outputs or HDMI (for surround sound
decoding) at the same time.
To connect an analogue stereo system to the 751BD, use stereo phono
cables xerxeshowie 發表於 2015-12-10 16:01 static/image/common/back.gif
From Manual:
感謝 C Hing 回覆.{:6_127:}