叫得《終極豪情》就唔好攪佢啦 -《極限追捕》Point Break
本帖最後由 lukalok 於 2015-12-6 22:32 編輯1991年Point Break由James Cameron前妻Kathryn Bigelow執導,贏盡唔少男性觀眾嘅心!廿幾年後居然有人膽敢將佢重拍。
舊版本喺女性導演之下,可以將《龍虎風雲》式嘅兵賊臥底電影,拍到有啟發人心嘅張力,係一種能量;現今版本用咗主導整個世界影像娛樂嘅YouTube角度重拍,相信都係因為GoPro令X-Game嘅觀賞層次提升,新版能為新世代建立新經典嗎?答案係:NO!因九屁劇本加流皮導演,空只有精彩動作,冇令人真正值得反思嘅深度! 假如人場的話,當成是新既電影會比較好,就好似慧嫻只 EVOLVE,的確運用技巧係高左,硬要比較的話反而差左,當成是新唱片又是另一種感覺! Please ignore this thread as it reveals part of the story line
I read some comments on the plot and really doubt whether they have watched the movie or not
It may be more easy to comprehend if you have watched Everest before
As mentioned in the movie, the group have financial support from a French billionaire
And they are aiming at accomplish the fictional Ozaki Eight challenge, the spirit to return to the nature what we owe
Finally the group rob the bank because of freezing asset of their sponsor after the bombing of gold mine with their identities revealed