想買rca線,請問$1000左右有咩好選擇?Thanks DIY or 廠線先?
我都想知呀!THX 我用過750rr.幾好,廠缐$1100 Diy or 廠線都冇所謂,考慮緊gotham 11301,唔知好唔好呢?
Thanks 本帖最後由 kkkiu 於 2015-12-3 14:02 編輯
dreamchung 發表於 2015-12-3 10:56 static/image/common/back.gif
Diy or 廠線都冇所謂,考慮緊gotham 11301,唔知好唔好呢?
都係果句~DIY不是問題,但個插頭好重要,你自己做下功課先比較好~ dreamchung 發表於 2015-12-3 10:56 static/image/common/back.gif
Diy or 廠線都冇所謂,考慮緊gotham 11301,唔知好唔好呢?
I have Gotham 11001 RCA and 11301 XLR.
Gotham itself does not recommend using balanced cable (11001, 11301) to be used for unbalanced RCA.If you follow this advice, you may consider 10008 (or several other unbalanced types).However, despite Gotham's position, there are CHing who reported positive results with 11301 RCA
Therefore, if I were to buy another pair of RCA again, I'd buy 11301 RCA.
本帖最後由 kkkiu 於 2015-12-3 16:11 編輯
wklie 發表於 2015-12-3 14:45 static/image/common/back.gif
I have Gotham 11001 RCA and 11301 XLR.
Gotham itself does not recommend using balanced cable (110 ...
11301xlr個人覺得相當唔錯,我都唔建議用黎做rca ~
Rca應該用10550比較正路,10008我自己未聽過,不過1000蚊內玩呢d線都是穩陣的~ 750rr 冇了宜家 轉曬v2
我覺得vdh五錯 Z这个价位可以选择neotech nei 3001 mk1 厂线
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