**清碟** 出售多隻Bluray and DVD
本帖最後由 ronaldo217 於 2015-12-8 15:30 編輯Blu-ray
Open Season Hong Kong Version with Cantonese $80
Back to the Future trilogy UK Version (New) $100
Liar Liar (UK Version) (New) $50
Unbreakable (US Version) $50
Heroes season 2 (US version) $80
Mortal Kombat (UK Version) (New) $50
Superman Returns (US Version) $50
Lord of the Rings Trilogy (UK Version (B Only)) $100
007 The world is not enough (UK Version) $60
007 Die another day (US Version) $60
Monster House (US Version) $50
DEJAVU (US Version) $50
Pearl Harbor (US Version) $50
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory(New) $50
Laughing Gor 2 (New) $30
Inception Blu-ray United Kingdom
Limited Edition Metal Case / Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy (New) $500
American Pie 3 Movie Pie Pack (US) $60
Independence Day (US) $30
007 Die another day (HK Version) $30
Apollo 13 2 disc anniversary edition $50
Monsters Inc. (HK) $50
Jurassic Park Adventure Pack (1-3) Us Version $80
Island (US version) $20
Seven New line platinum Series $30
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory chinese subtitle? ngjohn431 發表於 2015-12-2 21:05 static/image/common/back.gif
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory chinese subtitle?
Not sure, is new but check on the web should be no Udpate