restahaus 發表於 2015-12-1 11:16

Dynaudio DM series

請問 Dynaudio DM series 書架喇叭 怎樣?
DM 2/7或是 DM 2/8 較好?

xerxeshowie 發表於 2015-12-1 12:36

本帖最後由 xerxeshowie 於 2015-12-1 13:03 編輯

DM have Discontinued !{:6_159:}

Dynaudio All New Emit Series{:6_157:}

DM series is high end loudspeaker with excellent price to performance ratio

丹拿Dynaudio DM Series{:6_159:}

DM 2/7 5 Star{:6_193:} Less Bass Compare to 2/8 ( 8.xK in SSP ! )

DM 2/8 CNET Top Ten{:6_193:} <= I use this, Super Bass, No Need Sub Woofer ! ( I buy from True Sound 6.xK )

Of Course, need Big Powerful AMP, 4 ohm.{:6_169:}

Long Break-In Time 6 Months !{:6_159:}

restahaus 發表於 2015-12-1 13:00

xerxeshowie 發表於 2015-12-1 12:36 static/image/common/back.gif
DM have Discontinued !

Dynaudio All New Emit Series

DM series discontinued. Which model is replacing DM series for entry level speakers?

xerxeshowie 發表於 2015-12-1 13:24


本帖最後由 xerxeshowie 於 2015-12-1 14:05 編輯

restahaus 發表於 2015-12-1 13:00 static/image/common/back.gif
DM series discontinued. Which model is replacing DM series for entry level speakers?

Made in Denmark{:6_157:}

Emit M10: compact bookshelf loudspeaker with 14 cm mid/woofer; US $750.00 per pair{:6_157:}

The M10 is the most compact model of the new Emit range and the perfect entry to the world of high-end audio.

The Dynaudio Emit M10 offers authentic Dynaudio technology and performance at a most attractive price point. It features a 28 mm diameter soft dome tweeter and a 14 cm diameter MSP (Magnesium Silicate Polymer) mid/bass driver, mated to a 1st order crossover utilizing high-quality components throughout.

The M10 remains an incredibly easy to drive loudspeaker for virtually any amplifier, as it features a 6 ohm impedance. The expertly tuned bass-reflex cabinet ensures that a most impressive low frequency performance is achieved, especially for a speaker of such relatively modest proportions.

As the entry into the world of true high-end sound quality and authentic Dynaudio performance, the Emit M10 is an ideal compact loudspeaker at a most appealing price point.

Technical Specifications:

    Sensivity 86 dB
    IEC Long Term Power Handling > 150 W
    Impedance (nominal) 6 ohms
    Frequency Response (+/- 3 dB) 50 Hz – 23 kHz
    Weight 5.6 kg
    Dimensions (W x H x D mm) 170 x 292 x 240 , (W x H x D inch) 6.7 x 11.5 x 9.4

Emit M20: compact bookshelf loudspeaker with 17 cm mid/woofer; US $950.00 per pair{:6_157:}

The Emit M20 is a traditional bookshelf loudspeaker model featuring innovative Dynaudio technologies and most impressive performance capabilities.

The Dynaudio Emit M20 continues the long established Dynaudio tradition of exceptional compact loudspeaker models. Boasting neutrality, transparency, detail, and dynamics offered by Dynaudio technologies such as high performance soft dome tweeters, MSP (Magnesium Silicate Polymer) mid/bass drivers, and large diameter lightweight aluminium voice coils, the Emit M20 driver complement is comprised of a 28mm diameter soft dome tweeter and a 17cm diameter MSP mid/bass driver, which are mated to a first order crossover featuring high quality components throughout.

The M20 features a linear impedance and high power handling capabilities, making integration into any system relatively easy. Dynamics are exceptional, and the combination of its precisely tuned bass reflex cabinet and the incredible performance capabilities of the Dynaudio mid/bass driver ensure class-leading bass performance.

A step up in performance from the smaller M10 model, the compact Dynaudio Emit M20 exhibits true high-end sound quality and exceptional value, proudly continuing the tradition of exceptional Dynaudio compact loudspeaker designs.

Data sheet
Dimensions        215 x 355 x 265 mm
Weight        7.5 kg
Frequency Response        50Hz - 23kHz
Sensitivity (2,83 V/1m)        86dB
Impedance        4 ohms
IEC Long Term Power Handling        + 150 W
Warranty        5 years

M 10

Facebook => Dynaudio Asia 丹拿亞洲

letmesee311 發表於 2015-12-1 16:51

xerxeshowie 發表於 2015-12-1 13:24 static/image/common/back.gif
Made in Denmark

ching where yau duck buy or try listen ga? tks

xerxeshowie 發表於 2015-12-1 20:04

letmesee311 發表於 2015-12-1 16:51 static/image/common/back.gif
ching where yau duck buy or try listen ga? tks

Emit => Not Available in HK yet {:6_168:}


地址:香港 中環 皇后大道中79-83號 萬興商業大廈 2字樓B室
電話:(852) 2810 0181

Facebook => Dynaudio Asia 丹拿亞洲

restahaus 發表於 2015-12-2 17:10

xerxeshowie 發表於 2015-12-1 20:04 static/image/common/back.gif
Emit => Not Available in HK yet


Dynaudio 容易推?
Dynaudio vs Dali 入門級喇叭, 哪一個好?
Discontinued - D/M series 仍然在Dynaudio網站上?

ibo 發表於 2015-12-2 17:18

Dynaudio 容易推?



restahaus 發表於 2015-12-2 17:36

ibo 發表於 2015-12-2 17:18 static/image/common/back.gif
Dynaudio 容易推?

書架喇叭容易推, DM series or Emit?

ibo 發表於 2015-12-2 17:46

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