目標是lumin A1, Linn, Macbook Pro, 想搵部Dac同player一機過嘅CAS
本帖最後由 tickle 於 2015-12-1 14:52 編輯目標是搵部Dac同player一機過嘅CAS
1. lumin A1
2. Linn Akurate DS/1
3. Macbook Pro (好似最多用途, 但聲音是否最差?)
請問有無其他同級嘅機? 好似無!或 Teac UD503 / NT503 本帖最後由 wklie 於 2015-12-1 09:39 編輯
Lumin T1 shares the same circuit board and all components with A1.Only the aluminium case is thinner and weigh much less.Better C/P. wklie 發表於 2015-12-1 09:26 static/image/common/back.gif
Lumin T1 shares the same circuit board and all components with A1.Only the aluminium case is thinn ...
請問知唔知 T1 賣幾錢? 其實Macbook Pro聽歌會唔會好過streamer? 本帖最後由 wklie 於 2015-12-2 14:37 編輯
tickle 發表於 2015-12-2 14:03 static/image/common/back.gif
其實Macbook Pro聽歌會唔會好過streamer?
The advantage of a network player is that you don't need to deal with the noise and interference that gets transmitted from computer to USB DAC via USB cable.If you use a USB DAC, you can try to find reviews comparing USB DAC and network player.In a recent thread about a different brand of USB + Network player, a CHing said that network input performs better than USB input.
A lot of people also prefer not using a computer to control the music playback.So iPad control is usually seen as more convenient.If you like to use a computer to control it anyway, Lumin supports gapless UPnP playback, e.g. using JRiver software.
If you use a computer + USB DAC, try getting a LPS for the computer, and do USB isolation as follows:
http://post76.hk/thread-190707-1-1.html Linn does not play DSD.